I am in love! Yes, I am! This is the air compressor for the Copics that I gave myself for my birthday. Birthday isn't yet but early presents are good!!! I plan to cut some stencils and use the ones that I have and play. It sprays a very fine spray and it is very quiet too. The houses in the back are stamps that I am going to cut as a stencil. FUN! I'm doing a happy dance right now. :)
Oh!!!!!! What fun! Can't wait to see your creations with this new toy!!
OH yes! This looks like total fun! Is this a less smelly alternative to spray paint?
Martha, I knew you were going to be in color heaven, it is a never ending color miracle, which I am sure you will create magic with. Hugs
Martha. I'm jealous! Wish I could come over with my stencils!
Let the fun begin!!!! I can't wait to see what you do with this lovely toy! You lucky lady!!! Come up for air, and be sure to post your creations so we can play too!!!! LOL!!!
Happy early birthday present to you!!! That thing does look like fun! Actually I think anything that's a little messy, is always fun! Your butterflies are beautiful Martha! Hugs, Paulette ;)
I would like to see you using this too! Any video's coming?!! Have fun!
It does look like lots of fun! I love your enthusiasm, too :)
Good for you Martha. I am in full support of buying ourselves the gifts we want when we want. Keep it up!!
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