Well, I finally did it...I cut stuff out of a magazine and pasted it in and boy was it fun. I put down some paint first and kinda followed the
Teesha Moore's model of putting a border first then just add words and things. I tried not to over think---that is always my goal to not over think creative journal pages. I think that is why I have such a hard time journaling---I have to think! I don't mind thinking but when I start getting that cramp in my brain I know I'm thainking about it too much. You know that cramp don't you?
These are wonderful Martha! Either way - thinking or not thinking - you shine!
Oh I know that cramp al too well! Love what you have done here!! So inspiring as always!! Hugs!
These are just beautiful Martha!
Martha these are wonderful!! Yes, I got that brain cramp last weekend. I made Teesha's journal before I left, and took all kinds of collage sheets and cut outs to work on. It made me nuts!! Funny, when I first began doing journal pages this was more of the style I did. I had a hard time actually constructing the page, and I find I still do!! Darn! I really like this style!!! I do think I over think it way too much!!
Soooo lovely. What do you use as your base book? I read on a blog the other day about repurposing old cookbooks or mapbooks by pasting some pages together to make them sturdy and then using them as art journals. It's all new to me...and wonderful!
Martha wonderful and yes know about the cramp. Hugs
Thanks for sharing this and for the link to the Teesha Moore tutorial. I've been inspired! I tend to be an over-thinker to. Well, no, I don't TEND to be. I think WAY too much! I need to trust my artistic instincts, which are pretty good...I think! LOL
I love ur blog and the journaling. I just got a book called Journal Spilling and have started to try to do this-it's hard! I've painted for years, but have really put myself in a box. I'm really starting to explore all the collage-love it!
Oh yes! When I get those brain cramps, I go into total brain jam. The problem is that lately I seem to get them a lot.
I love these pieces but then again, I love all your work! Thanks for sharing it. D~~~~
Your pages are great!! Yes, I try to avoid thinking whenever I can LOL! You have inspired me again!! I'm off to get my journal-teehee
I love them , I am finally doing my first journal page:)
Yes, yes, yes - shut the left brain off and just play! Gorgeous results and thanks for giving me an idea for my next set of classes with the gradeschoolers!
great, fun pages!! and who says you need to think to have some fun?!! :))
Love your journal pages, Martha! I went to her blog the other day when you posted about it, and ended up watching ALL of the videos there. Not my style, but liked her "way" of going about it.
I loved all the color and the freedom of her pages....awesome!!
Your pages are really nice!!!
wonderful! i recognize teesha's great techniques here, yet your style totally shines through and you've made it your own!
Love those pages Martha. You are so talented and have an incredible sense of color and placement. I love looking at your work.
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