This page spread in the journal is from my baby book and is in my mother's beautiful handwriting of presents I got when I was born. And of course the family tree in Mama's handwriting. I miss her and will see her again someday in a body that is not ravaged and all crippled up with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis. Although my life is blessed in this world I do look forward to the next one. And I am thankful that I know where I will be. How distressing it would be to not know these things!
How wonderful to have these keepsakes and what a nice way to display them. I was lucky enough to recieve a big box full of old papers, pictures and stuff from my Mom. In it are papers from when my Grandfather left England, birth certificates, marriage liscenses and all kinds of papers. I treasure it so!!!! I even have letters that My Grandfather wrote back in the 1800's about his interest in a gold mine...fun read!
how very special this is, martha! i know you cherish it in so many ways. how few worries we have when we place out lives in His care, yes?
It is a lovely keepsake and a beautiful piece of art!
Lovely piece with so much sentimental value, thank you for sharing! :0)
Your writing mixed with your Mama's writing and family memories make a beautiful journal spread.
And as you look forward to seeing her again, she looks forward to welcoming her Marthy home!
Like a beautiful art duet, you and your Mom. How beautiful, Martha. I am all choked up.
Beautiful post Martha! Lovely treasures to have. :)
It is so great that you have those momentos from your mother. The journal page is just lovely!
I love the antique feel to your spread Martha. I cherish the letters, cards and recipes I have written in my mother's hand. For that reason, I try to snailmail a handwritten note to my daughter every week while she's at college, and I will try to do the same for Matt next year. (Although email is much easier!)
Oh, I missed your new listings in your Etsy shop. The journals are so very cute!! I am planning on making some for Xmas gifts too!! They make such nice gifts!! Love your little ornies too!!
what a treasure to have your family tree in your mama's handwriting.....it's like she is there with you! love your page spreads!! xoxo, :))
What a nice way to remember your mom, Martha. I'm glad you will see her again someday!
Love your spread. It's a wonderful idea.
Oh how special to have a journal book with your mom's own handwriting inside. So beautiful and such a special idea that you can pass on down through the generations. Wow, Martha, you are just one big INSPIRATION to me.
Lee Ann
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