I found this painting that I did about a year ago and I never liked it. I really couldn't tell why I didn't like it and I almost tossed it. I brought it out of the dark crevices of the morgue where the other failed paintings reside and I thought that maybe I could raise this one from the dead. So with a few shadows, values and color I think he relives now! I dirtied up the edges a bit and I never would have thought to do that a year ago. It's funny how we learn new things and ---so--I kinda wish I had all the tossed ones and maybe I could raise them up. Some were deader than dead as I recall so ---they are resting in painting heaven where they are very beautiful now.
I will post some canvas paintings from Lisa class soon. I need to decompress a bit and get it all out and take a look and see what I have.
Oh, and check out my very talented Italic Calligraphy student, Sue K, and see her fabulous practice sheets. GOOD work, Sue!! I am so proud of you!!! Thanks!!!
And also, here is a sweet link from a wonderful artist, Shirley, from Shirley's Illustrations! You will absolute love her illustrations. They are precious. Thanks, Shirley!!!
Martha, great rekindling, those flowers just pop. Sandi
You are so funny! I also store those paintings that don`t work for me now but later on you learn somenthing new and voila!
Great piece, it is lovley! :)
I don't see how you could think this painting is bad, it's gorgeous. I love how the flowers are spilling out over the sides of the pot.
This is a great piece! Glad it left the morgue! haha!
Sue K is doing great! I've still got to get myself the graph paper but I practice a little on the printed out pdfs you gave us. Keeping the 5 degree slant is harder than I thought it would be :) But I'm still working on it. Yes!
So happy this painting lives! I love your touches. I like when little flowers spill...Glad your class went well, Martha!
you are the "painting whisperer".....great job in reviving this, although i would have thought it was perfect without the dirtied edges!!! xoxo, :))
the feeling of reclaiming something you once made but didn't like is such an exciting one! glad you were able to pull it back from the dead - it looks great!
hello martha!
this painting reminds me of my younger days when i was an aspiring painter living in provence. little did i realize that so many impressionists would follow my example and even call my art of painting impressionism. that impressed me, as did your painting.
tout a toi,
paul gauguin
Wow this is lovely!!! Beautiful work!
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