Well, I am trying to do the "no pressure, no think" journal pages. Can anyone tell whose book I am reading right now about journaling? Hint--it's "Blissful". Anyway, sometimes I just try different things and usually it ends up going into the "can the journal page be saved?" mode. And unfortunately I can't leave it for the next day if I didn't save it--it has to be fixed RIGHT NOW!! Is anybody else out there as crazy as me about this? I can be trying to go to sleep and I can hear that pitiful little journal page crying and whining and Mama has to get up and fix it. Then, I can't get back to sleep. Oh, how we artists do suffer!!! Anyway, one of these pages was the whiney one that kept me up. And actually, looking at it now, it wasn't worth the lost sleep. Sorry little journal page.
Hi Martha,
Yes! I know exactly what you mean! No pressure from anyone except my self-LOL. I think your pages look great.
Martha, your pages are great and I love the happy halloween sign. Hope your weekend if a fun one.
i hear you martha and share your late night angst. my hubbie has given up on getting me to bed at a decent time on the weekends. he knows, understands and lets me sleep in the next morning.
both of your journal pages are delightful!
and thanks for your sweet words on my blog. i would love to get a book published. it's on my must-do list (along with about 177 other things). hee hee thanks for your wonderful support!
Martha I think these pages turned out fabulous!!
Is it Violet's book????
I hate not being satisfied with a piece of work - trying to let that go, but it is so hard. I usually gesso over it so I can at least get some sleep!! :)
I love your filled journal pages, so inspirational.
these are beautiful martha! i too understand those creative ideas keeping me up nights! i think that's an affliction we all share. :-)
I was wondering if you were keeping to your promise to self: write in a journal or do a journal page/thought each day! These look great!
Yes, yes creative thoughts seeping into dreams and sleepless nights! But I think your pages are wonderful. And who knows, perhaps the little bit more that will come to you in tomorrow's dream will make the page work for you.
I didn't know anyone got stressed out about journaling. I'm new at it, but I thought the whole process was supposed to de-stress us. I don't need another worry to lose sleep over!
Also, I thought people who do journaling that looks as wonderful as yours did it easily.
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