Sunday, January 31, 2010
Collaged Face-Misty homework

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Misty class-Shiva sticks

Also, I have signed up for another faces class by Sharon Tomlinson of All Norah's Art! I have actually been waiting for her to do a class ever since I found her blog some time ago. I don't buy clothes or go to the malls anymore--I buy art classes! I get paint all over my clothes anyway---:)
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 29, 2010
One more...

This journal page was actually a fun and serendipitous time of collagilating. She looks as if she has a scarf on which was totally unplanned and ---I do love a scarf. I painted this girl following Suzi instruction. Am I getting dizzy doing both classes??--yes, just a bit.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Exotic girl
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A younger girl!! And a few more journal pages...

*****This is actually a little later addition to the post. As K said in the comments pearls might have been too old for a little girl so I changed them to pink. That was a good suggestion because it gave the opportunity to repeat the pink just a bit. Now they are just beads.

OK, well, this little girl went down a few years. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and I think it helped. In the sketch she looks about 7 and painted she looks about 9 or 10. Yay! I printed her out on 300 lb watercolor paper (and prayed as it went through!) then I painted her with a dry brush acrylic. You can still see the lines form the notebook. You would think I could draw in something else without lines if I am planning on using it! There is just something about lines that is extremely comforting to me. It must go back to my calligraphy roots.
Below are two more spreads in the journal that I did a few days ago.

This was a page in the journal that just had some thick acrylic splotches in the background so I decided to draw another Gypsy. Actually I painted her about a week ago in Suzi's and forgot to blog her. I did put her up on Flickr though. I gessoed her face and added some skin tone then completed her as Suzi has taught us using colored pencils. It gives a different texture and I actually had a heck of a time getting the waxy colored pencils to mark over the slick acrylic. Clear gesso would have been the answer but I thought of it too late.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Is she any younger?

Well, maybe she is 14 or 15 but I want age 10 or 12! Thanks for all of your suggestions as to how to draw and paint a younger girl. I tried to heed them all and I SO appreciate all of your suggestions. But I don't think she turned out young enough. I started from black which I probably should not have done to try to accomplish this but I am kinda liking starting from black. Maybe her nose is not big or wide enough. Well, I'll keep trying. This is in the Moleshine journal. Tomorrow I have a few more girls painted with different techniques...Misty's and Suzi's.
Monday, January 25, 2010
More from Suzi class and Dancing Queen

Misty's class is good too. Misty and Suzi are both are extremely talented and at either ends of the spectrum as to their painted faces. I am really amazed at both of them.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Peace like a River

I am debating whether to put more writing. I will leave it for now. She is another girl I sketched on the sofa while watching "24". It's intense so I like to sketch when I watch it. Don't we all hope that there is a "Jack Bauer" working out there under cover for our gov't? Some of you probably have no idea what I am talking about! I glued her into the Moleskine journal. This is how I heard someone pronounce that:
Mole-ska-na: with a long "a" over the second "a" and the accent on the second syllable---but who knows. This person seemed like she knew.
Have a blessed Sunday everyone.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Saturday Page

I sometimes draw and doodle in my composition notebook and it turns out to be a face I like so I decided to tear her out and paste her in the journal. So here is the Friday night and Saturday morning page. This is couch art actually. As we watch TV I have some art stuff around. My hands just won't stop. Is that a good thing?? Maybe...maybe not. Sometimes I need to do some laundry and vacuum the floor. Oh so many distractions! Have a great weekend!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
"Avatar" girl and wood thing

This girl looks like she could be an earthly cousin of the girl in Avatar. Maybe the eyes a just a bit too far apart---but now I am thinking aloud. Sorry.
Below is something that I started painting on 12x 12 wood just to try out some new Sonja Joe paints. It started as just a background and developed into this. And I wanted to use my word for this year. Then...and I don't know what got into me...I got out my hand saw and wood and made this easy frame with strips of wood that have been hanging around the studio for who knows how long. You don't have to miter the edges and it's easy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Misty Mawn Class and journal page
More girls and a "Flapper"

Now for the journal page---ok---don't gasp...

Oh goodness.....she became a flapper! And I think she might look like a "he" in drag. That's a first for me. "She" was having a bad hair day so "she" decided to put on this headband. Well, sometimes they are beautiful and sometimes--not so much. That's what makes the art-world go round. I am getting close to the end of this little red journal. I only have 31/2 more full spreads. I guess you could say that is seven pages. As you see this page started with a little "Teesha-i-zation" (new word for wikipedia) and the renew today was from a magazine. I did the border first awhile back and then later added the "girl" and the Scripture. I thought it fit rather well...the renew today ad from the mag and the Scripture.
Below is another page spread that I forgot to post the other day.

Artist to Artist....The Doorway to inspiration...what does it all mean? Nothing really, I'm just collagilating again and enjoying the process.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Watch for Gypsies
Walk in Love
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Pray for Haiti Journal Page

This page was left without writing so I thought it should be the Haiti page. I had already written the Scripture about the beautiful feet so I felt that it was the right time to fill it in. Yes, what a terrible thing has happened and we will never know why these bad things happen in this world. We will know one day though. It will all become clear.
Now on a happier note:
Friday, January 15, 2010
Les Petit Academy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Carmen with some effects

Jessica and Carmen

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Two more journal pages

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Watch and Pray--Sunday journal entry

Saturday, January 9, 2010
A little Springtime in the Winter Blast

Friday, January 8, 2010
It's a beautiful GARDEN-in the journal

PS I was informed that these are Orchids. I love flowers but I'm not good at identifying them!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
For the January Blessings- Journal Page

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Note to God

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pears- Journal Page

I love adding words to my journal pages that are "Gotha-sized". Maybe I will do an online workshop to teach how to do these letterforms. I would only use calligraphy markers so that would be the only supply. It is surprisingly easy. Here are some examples here, and here, and here. There are various others but these are just a few. Maybe so...
And I just had to post this---bear with me. There are far off family members to check my blog. Baby Marc is walking behind the Radio Flyer that Nana bought him for Christmas. He's working so hard!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Painting the girls

I have been taking Jane DesRosier (Gritty Jane)'s online class.
This ethnic-looking girl is painted starting from black, adding darker values and using blue/ green tones for the contours of her face to create the shape. The lighter tones are added. So now I know how she achieves the wonderful depth she gets in her paintings and with her faces. Since the class was only several hours long, I decided to do her class this weekend. It really will take some practice but I want to learn all the different ways to paint a face since that is what I love to do the best. The painting below was also starting from black. I painted her just before Christmas before I had even signed up for Jane's class. I thought it was rather interesting that I started this one from black then that's what Jane taught in her class. This girl actually started out to be an angel with a halo which turned into a hat and wings that turned into trees. She looks a bit miffed because I think she actually wanted to be an angel.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Create Art Journal Page

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