Well, as I said yesterday I am in art school. Did I say that? Well, I am taking two classes right now one being Suzi Blu's "The Goddess and the Poet". Sometimes when I am feeling a little "blu" and I need a little entertainment I wander on over to Suzi's Youtubes. Suzi is quite unique and I do love her whimisical faces that she paints. But don't let the whimsy fool you...Suzi is very thorough in her teaching and stresses value, line and form which will make a beautiful face. I have so enjoyed doing her class. I am only half way through. I so want to create a whimisical face and as hard as I try I just can't make mine look like hers but...I said that for a reason.... that's a good thing! I am thankful that I can't make mine too much like hers but I love her technique and colors---and she keeps my attention--which is actually hard to do. Does anyone else have Artist ADD? I love her dreamy faces with the half closed eyes and I think that if I am ever to draw a whimisical face...I am in the right class. Misty Mawn starts Frisay so I will be quite busy for a while.
This is GORGEOUS Martha! (Are the circular images made from a plastic canvas coaster?)
Marthy this is gorgeous, just gorgeous!!!
Artist ADD you ask???? Is that what you asked, can't quite remember??? ADD and low estrogen!!!!! lol
Martha love that dreamy face, great job. Artist ADD, now isn't that something to ponder? LOL, yah think maybe? Me not you! Hugs
This is just gorgeous. I am seeing a lot of posts lately about SuziBlu. I miss out on so much..Boo Hoo! Not really, beacuse I get to see posts of lovely artwork like this one. Her eyes are gorgeous but I really l;ove her lips. I just van't make cool lips like that. I can't wait to see what people will be posing about Misty's class.
Love your new look Martha! Her eyes and lips are wonderful!!! Since taking a break from classes these days, I am feeling jealous!! LOL!!! Oh well, there will be more classes in the future! I am a member of Suzi's site and love her work too!!
I love your faces as they are. I'm often afraid to draw cuz the picture won't look like the person. I need to learn to just GET OVER IT!!!
thanx for sharing your journey - have fun in "school"
~ Sherry
this is great, martha....i am also in suzi class...love her
ooooh, i LOVE her!! just keep doin' what you're doin'.....it's fabulous!! hugs, :)))
I love this face you created, Martha, and the dreamy background.
I've been debating if I should take Suzi's class and your adorable drawing has convinced me to do it! This is wonderful!
Hi Martha, I'm Diane--I'm in your Suzi class--your lady's face is beautiful. It's taking me a bit longer--I'm still on lesson 1--but I'm relaxing a little more with it. I love Suzi's way of teaching. I'll be following your blog--I love it!!
Since I am convinced I had ADHD altogether I expect it to show up in my art too and it does! I load up on classes and then can't do all the work so what do I do but load up on some more classes. Why is this ADHD connected? Because if I could concentrate on my homework I could get it done even if I do have 4-5 classes going. I waste umpteen hours trying to figurre out which one to concentrate on today and end up dashing off a single Calligrafun word and opening my journal to START (but not do) a page in it. Aargh! It's nice to know (although I wish it weren't so) others have trouble with this too.
I am so inspired and pumped after a visit to your site! Thank you. I love the girl with the red hair..and I'm doing my own version of her in my sketch journal.
Martha...Your faces are ALWAYS beautiful! Hugs, Paulette ;)
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