This girl looks like she could be an earthly cousin of the girl in Avatar. Maybe the eyes a just a bit too far apart---but now I am thinking aloud. Sorry.
Below is something that I started painting on 12x 12 wood just to try out some new Sonja Joe paints. It started as just a background and developed into this. And I wanted to use my word for this year. Then...and I don't know what got into me...I got out my hand saw and wood and made this easy frame with strips of wood that have been hanging around the studio for who knows how long. You don't have to miter the edges and it's easy.

Your girl is awesome and I love her hair. If I could get my straight ,limp hair to look like that I'd be really happy.
And your painting on wood is eye candy. I love all of the different techniques used and the colors. The quote is perfect. Amid all of lifes activities (plenty going on in this painting) we must be watchful. (They make clear gesso? I learn so much on your blog.) :)
I love your wood thing Martha! It's beautiful and the framing is perfect for the piece.
your wood thing is diving, and I love the girl with color, great! Hugs
She is beautiful, and I like her hair. You really do a good job on blending different colors in the hair to give her highlights.
And the painting is fantastic I tell you!!!!!
Your work is sooo great....everyday I look forward to see what you have been working on ...My goal is to become as productive as you are...trying to, but life has been getting in the way to often thes days...again, you are inspiring....I am taking your calligrafun class and producing many practice sheets...
I really like both of these pieces.
My clear gesso didn't come out really clear which I of course discovered after I "ruined" a collage. I made it work afterall but learned whatever brand I had wasn't really clear and use it accordingly.
I learned to do hair in a charcoal class - the teacher said to draw it like you're combing it and leave a highlight with nothing in it (in pencil, I just erase).
So I've got hair down - but NOSES? That's another story!!
Your drawing is beautiful. The girl is perfect. When I look for things in my own drawings, I can list a zillion things wrong..
Don't look.. just keep on keeping on, as you are doing great.
I love her eyes, and her hair!
I also really enjoyed your painting below.. Wow.. those colors are awesome and of course the message even more ..!
HUgs,Darlene xo
It sounds like your muse took over!! I love both of these--I love the clear gesso--I like the grainy texture that it leaves.
I really like the "wood thing".
Wow...I'm impressed! You made that frame, great job. I love the collage, all the wonderful textures.
The Avatar girl is looking pretty good...
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