I think that Misty's class is going to be really good. After taking Suzi Blu's class and now taking Misty's I should be able to improve my faces. I can't show you the profile drawing, though. Oh my goodness...it was REALLY bad!
Below is a journal page.

Yes, it is all by grace isn't it?
Martha, I am inspired by your tenacity and it is so much fun to watch you grow and evolve with these faces, they are better and better each day. These are wonderful, so much expression. Hugs
Your first girl has freckles!! She sooo cute :) I'm taking Suzi's Petit Dolls class and guess what - now I'm able to draw a face that actually resembles a face. Not as lovely as yours are, of course, but it my sketches are not monsters anymore!
Marthy, theses girls are so beautiful, and I do love the dusting of freckles!! Your faces have always been good, but there is something a little more about these.
And of course I love your journal page. Such vibrant color and your spirit shines through. They would make a lovely set of cards I think.
I love your faces, Martha :)
Freckles...I love freckles. This makes the face look so real. Like a portrait instead of a drwaing. The journal page is so...so...for lack of another word I'll say wonderful. But it's more thatn that. I love all of the colors and how busy it is and yet soothing, not chaotic. I need some grace...
You have been one busy lady!! Love your new journal pages and your faces are wonderful! I can see a lot of growth in your work. Now I am wishing that I took Mistys' class. Must be online class withdrawal syndrome!!! LOL!!! About face profiles...I have always had a problem with them too....can't get the features right and they look really bad...hugs, Sue
Lovely faces!
Yes it is all by grace! I love your bright color combinations! Also love the detail in your girl's faces.
I love your faces..It must be a wonderful class. Your journal page is great also.. I just love your art..
Take care,
Love your faces -- so much expression with what seems like simple drawings. (I don't know -- I haven't tried faces!)
And your journal page glows. I agree -- it's all about grace.
Oh, your girls are looking so good. I love seeing your evolution.
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oh my, you drew those faces?! They are BEAUTIFUL. Wow.
You always have the mnost precious faces - love your soft-style :-)
Your girl sketches are beautiful - they have a beautiful serene look about them.
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