In the journal with graphite first then shiva.

I really like the oil sticks the best of all the mediums to paint a face. I drew the face with graphite pencil first, then colored pencils to get some color down then add shiva oil sticks. I drew her in the composition notebook and pasted her into one of my larger journals over a watercolor wash. Then added stamps and punchanella. I love shive oil sticks. They are creamy and dreamy!!! It may just become my medium of choice for faces. You can also paint the face with acrylics then add shiva as a final coat to smooth everything out as long as the acrylic is dry.
Also, I have signed up for another faces class by
Sharon Tomlinson of All Norah's Art! I have actually been waiting for her to do a class ever since I found her blog some time ago. I don't buy clothes or go to the malls anymore--I buy art classes! I get paint all over my clothes anyway---:)
Have a great weekend!
Hi Martha,
I so love your girl faces and I am going to have to check out the Shiva oil sticks.
I am planning to take a class from Sharon as well later in the Spring when my finances are in better shape.
Can't wait to see what you do with her instructions.
I tried the shiva sticks too, and liked they way they blend. These girls look really good!
It looks like you have the younger look down now Martha. It's been fun to watch your progress toward that goal.
I have some Shiva but I haven't ever used them. Truth be told,there are lots of things I have like that! I also have been wanting to buy the metallic ones for a long time - so long that now I've forgotten what I saw that made me lust after them!
Is all the color we see from the Shiva? or does the color pencil still show thru?
I clicked to enlarge these - I love the finish and smoothness to these.
Just beautiful!
lol, Martha, I told my friend the other day that I was going to go to goodwill to look for some pants, because I end up with glue, paint, markers, pen etc. on them anyway, she just laughed at me! My art funds are still going to Copics (various ink refills)but after that there is a list a mile long of things that must be in the studio, I love your pages today and can hardly wait to see what you do with the new class, hugs
Lovin' the faces you make, Martha! (I love your new Blog background too!♥)
I love that you're always working with many different medium, so cool. Great background and faces here. I also LOVE your new banner!!
Oh Martha,
I think your painting are just superb.. this one is just the coolest.. ! Love your choice of colors as well.
OMG.. I just wrote to Sharon, and told her I will be signing up for her classes too!
Great minds think alike!
Hugs, Darlene
I love your blog and your faces are amazing.
Wow, the shiva stick paintings have turned out fantastic. Have yet to give them a try - am still more than a week behind!
After looking everywhere for these Shiva sticks then getting them home, I finally dove into the lesson. I can see why you love them. I too found them to be special in creating faces.
Great job and enjoy your new found art tools.
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