Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Only the Angels Could Sound Sweeter

I am also thinking of some New year's resolutions. But I have a hard time sticking to them. Let's see....think of others before myself, read and study my Bible more, try not to think nasty and judmental thoughts. Ok, that should hold me for the first few minutes of 2009!
But thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness, mercy and grace!!!!! :)
Monday, December 29, 2008
More Tulips

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Macaulay and Bucky

I just thought this was cute. I took it on Thanksgiving. Macaulay was Bucky's first mama until we inherited him. You see, Bucky is quite persnickety when it come to other dogs invading his space so we gladly took him of her hands when she married Marc. Bucky and Marc's dog, Dixie, had issues. But all is well now. More vintage Christmas cards tomorrow.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Have a "Fruity" Christmas

Here is one from several years ago. I love drawing these chunky letterforms I should use them more often. I do hope you enjoy the vintage Christmas images.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Poppies on Paste Paper

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I'm in the Museum!!! :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Just a Little Piece of Wood

Hope everyone is having a joyful and blessed season so far!! I love you all and so enjoy reading your comments and looking at your blogs. You are all so talented in your own ways. xoxo
Saturday, December 13, 2008

This is from our drawing class. Today I did the one with the sheep (that was a challenge!) and I did the plant and the book last time.
This is what I think about drawing, and for me, it has made all the difference in my art progress: drawing is essential if you want to be a better painter! Not that I am that good at it or anything but if you want to have more successful paintings, do mixed media or even draw the darling little curtains in the Christmas village, you need to have at least some drawing experience. We, in our drawing class, call it-"standing in the fire" because when you are drawing something that is feeling especially difficult there is a strong tendency to not push through and quit because the drawing is too hard--- but you must stick with it and see it through. It's the "staying in the fire that moves you forward." And when you have done that you just might be pleased with what you have drawn---and you don't even smell like smoke!! (Can anyone tell me what THAT great story comes from???)
Anyway, that just my advice for the day for what it's worth.
I hope you all will try to make a Christmas Village with Claudine Hellmuth. I found the tea lights at Walgreens and I just can't tell you how cute it is with the tea lights flickering!! I have all her paints and supplies and they are great.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Claudine Hellmuth Christmas Village

The background is paste paper I did the other day on cradled 12 x 12 Ampersand panels.
Oh, and by the way, I have been tagged a couple of times and I have not been able to continue the tag but I do SO appreciate the tags from a couple of you wonderful and talented people. I'll try better next time--if there is a next time! :)
Update! I just checked Michelle Brown site and guess what I saw---check it out!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Poppies in the Green Field
The background of this one is the Saran wrap technique which gives an interesting effect. It is one of my favorites techniques to do. This painting is 11 x 14. The Poppies are piling up! I have a true Poppy field right here in my studio!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Paste Paper

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

She had a very bad hair day so a head band had to be painted. I just couldn't get her hair to work. So when all else fails---put a headband I guess. She is collaged and painted and stamps and other stuff were added. I started her several days ago and finished her up late this afternoon. I painted the sides of the canvas brown.
I have digitally (in Photoshop) put the quote in for layout purposes to see how it will look. I do this alot. After thinking about this quote though, I don't think I will use it because it was by Vincent Van Gogh and I don'tthink he was a particularly religious man. For me, I do know many things that are certain (the whole Bible!) so I have decided to pick another quote. Don't know what it will be yet but the layout should look like this when finished.
Tomorrow I will be doing paste paper with the calligraphy students at my studio. I will blog some of my papers if they turn out. I like to paint faces on the paste paper. It makes the faces much smoother.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Little Baby Boy--Ready for Christmas
Sunday, December 7, 2008
and I colored it in with a Micron Pen 005 in size the make sure I kept good thicks and thins. It was very fun and relaxing after I had penciled in the letterforms and I really didn't know for sure how it would look until it was inked in.
Saturday, December 6, 2008

This is what I call my "Poppy Minima" series. I really like the one on the canvas with the black sides. It's so much fun when you create something that excites you. (It's the "good high" from the art drug!) Actually this was an experimental canvas that actually worked. It was just a regular gessoed canvas with Golden Absorbent Ground brushed on in two coats which makes any surface into a watercolor surface. It worked pretty well actually. The Aquaboard surface (Ampersand) is similar to this surface. But I actually liked it so I didn't waste my money. I hate wasting money on art stuff. ARGGG!!! Here's one thing that I wasted money on--Golden Garnet Gel. It just looks like dirty gritty sand--I thought it was going to be wonderful Garnet specks on the surface---wrong! Anyway--don't waste your money---but if anyone can tell me how they have successfully used Garnet Gel I would be art-ternally grateful! That's a word I just made up---I make up words sometimes. :)
I want to thank Fannie, another fellow artist blogger, who encouraged me to keep up with the Poppy painting until I have painted every last petal and there is not more in me. So encouraging---- and also there is Lori at Elvie Studio, who is a dear dear art buddy who encourages me almost every day either in person or on one or our wonderful phone marathons! She is a great artist---check her out.
AND--of course all the other frequent encouragers, Tess, Brenda, Magdalene, Sherry, Katy, Julie, Kim, Diane, Jane Farr(couldn't get a link to come up), Carol, Jennifer Kathrine. Oh, I hope I haven't left anyone out. And I hope I got all the hyperlinks right. These are wonderful artists who encourage me frequently and even daily on my blog and I know that I am not good at returning the encouragement like I should---0h tisk tisk me! But I appreciate you all so much and everyone is so very talented and gifted in their art form. oxoxox
Golden absorbent grounds,
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Girl in the Straw Hat

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I still will paint Poppies but I will do some blogging of some of my girls--my other addiction du jour. I like to draw my girls when I am sitting down watching TV. I have lots of girls so I will blog a few of them. I might even paint some of them. I want my girls to have a sweet look and most of them come out that way but sometimes a girl will be very persive and you just can't bring her (draw her) into a different mood. All the girls have different personalities and when I draw the eyes they come alive. I really want to draw girls that are more fanciful and doll-like but for some reason that is harder for me. I am intrigued with Suziblu so if anyone has taken a class from her and how she draws her faces--please let me know what you thought of it. I know that most people seem to love her and I don't want to miss out if it's something really great.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
ZACH--Future Lawyer, Musician---Artist
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