Well, maybe she is 14 or 15 but I want age 10 or 12! Thanks for all of your suggestions as to how to draw and paint a younger girl. I tried to heed them all and I SO appreciate all of your suggestions. But I don't think she turned out young enough. I started from black which I probably should not have done to try to accomplish this but I am kinda liking starting from black. Maybe her nose is not big or wide enough. Well, I'll keep trying. This is in the Moleshine journal. Tomorrow I have a few more girls painted with different techniques...Misty's and Suzi's.
Beautiful Martha. As for the age, maybe it's the hair - a bit poofy for one so young. Just my non drawing opinion. :)
Martha, she does look about 14 or 15 but you are getting there. Hugs
a little younger, yes! I noticed it when I saw it on flickr, don't know why I did not mention it there.
Anyway, if you want to look at a pug nose check out mine - it never really grew!!! lol Although I definitely do not look young!! :)
I'm a non draw-er, too, and it's pretty cheeky for me to suggest anything, so take this as a 'for what it's worth' suggestion.
I'd spend at LEAST a half hour simply observing photos of young girls (or just children in general). Just soak in all the attributes that they have in common.
I have a friend who has a website devoted to photographing faces. I'll see if Angie can direct me to a particular page on her website devoted to children. If she does, I'll send you the link.
I'm a non draw-er, too, and it's pretty cheeky for me to suggest anything, so take this as a 'for what it's worth' suggestion.
I'd spend at LEAST a half hour simply observing photos of young girls (or just children in general). Just soak in all the attributes that they have in common.
I have a friend who has a website devoted to photographing faces. I'll see if Angie can direct me to a particular page on her website devoted to children. If she does, I'll send you the link.
Sorry, I don't know why that posted twice. : (
You make me smile, Martha. Have you tried looking for children's drawn faces online?
Martha! Just went to the site that Kim posted in her comeent!! A FABULOUS site. RIght in the banner there are two pics of young girls. wider and shorter noses!!!! I think that this may be the key for you!! I love the one that you ahve doen here- Don't be so hard on yourself. I would love to be able to create just one tenth of the quality work that you do!!!
maybe a rounder face...i think suzi mentioned that.....hugs
Martha, all these journal pages you've been sharing lately as so gorgeous! and yes, she does look a little younger!
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