While I was studying and recharging I thought I would post this watercolor that I did last weekend in Ted Head's watercolor class.
This one was really challenging. Fruit has always been difficult for me to paint. This was painted on 11x 14 AquaBoard by Ampersand and usually I like painting on this surface but this was harder than usual. I usually paint Poppies on these boards which are abstract and easier. But I do like these boards. I like flowers better but it is always good to S_T_R_E_T_C_H yourself.
I think the cherries are beginning to rot on the bottom...need to work some more on those pesky shadows!
awesome, martha! absolutely awesome! all of that
s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g is really paying off! :)
The fruit is very realistic and shows great depth. Even if it's not your favorite, you did a good job rendering this still life.
Hey Martha! I know Ted. His brother Danny is a good friend of mine from when I worked at Bellsouth. What a small world! Love the painting. I'm a fanatic for art that involves images of pears.
Martha this is so beautiful!!
I think it's wonderful. I've heard the hardest thing to get right is the shadows. It's all a mystery to me. Wish I had your talent.
I think the fruit looks fantastic, good enough to eat. I have an award for you on my blog.
it is hard to believe that this is watercolor at first glance. i think it is just wonderful, even the cherries. you are so talented!
I think this is really nice. I still haven't mastered watercolor.
Martha this is so beautiful!!
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