I think I might have gotten the hang of the gel transfer. This is how I did it (I am writing this to remind myself also):
1. Use a copy that is toner based
2. Put Golden soft gel on the back of the copy and on the surface
smooth out with a brayer
(I try not to put gel on the backside of the copy to be transfered so water can saturate better)
3. Let sit for about 2 minutes but make sure you can grab the corner
4. Pull the corner and HOPFULLY all the paper will pull off leaving just another thin layer underneath-if not just go on to step 5
5. Hit it with your heat gun
6. Saturate with water and rub. (Your transfer will show through when you put the water on it.) Be careful not to rub your transfer off! I use rubber gloves because it tingles my bare fingers too much
This is a combination of several techniques from my gel transfer research. So far it has worked really well.
i love everything about this...those pages around the sides of the panel are perfect! and the title is the cherry on top...LOVE IT! thanks for all of the transfer tips...i've never been too good at that! :)
This is a beautiful piece, and I love how you combine all the mixed media techniques. With your transfer, I'm wondering if you could say why you use a heat gun. I've done transfers before, but never with heat. Thanks!
Wow! This is so beautiful..thanks for sharing how you did your gel transfer. I am loving your 2 minute ditties!! What a great idea! I want to paint more in 2009 and who doesn't have time for a 2 minute ditty?
Beautiful, very creative. Thank you for the tutorial.
Hi Martha! Thanks so much for commenting on my work and the post that Lori did of me. I love your work as well and actually have been considering purchasing one of your pieces as a gift for my Mom. I just haven't decided which one yet, lol. I live in the Mandarin area. It was nice to "meet" you, neighbor!
I just love her and I love the way you have used all the pages down the sides of the painting - actually, I love everything about it - brilliant piece of art.
This painting is awesome. I love her expression, your words, her angel wings and the fact that she is surrounded by HIS word. The title is perfect. I love the white cicles too. Paint or bleach? What is an ampersand panel? I really should read my art supplies book more. LOL!
love this, love this, love this...thanks for the little lesson too.
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