This is a chair that was in my mother's bedroom. It has been around as long as I can remember and when I brought it to my studio I was going to have it upholstered with some cute material. The chair had stripes on it so I said, what the heck, before I recover it I will just write on it---no worries!! Well then liked it and left it on there. I really haven't quite finished it yet but I am not sure if I should go on or not---or just leave it. I used acrylic and a flat brush. It's amazing what you can do when there is no pressure!
It's lovely. So unique!
Tag your it, hope you don't mind and if your busy i totally understand. See my blog for details :-)
this is one of my favorites!! i have seen this chair up close and personal, and it's absolutely fabulous!! and it sits in the fun, playhouse, studio of our sweet, very talented, artist friend, martha!! :))
Martha, This chair is amazing. I love what you've done. I think yu should finish it. I hope her name is on their somewhere too. I'm sure a special scripture is already. My mother has my granny's chair and it has been upolstered twice since she passed on. We all love it. What you've done with this chair makes it so special and unique. Wonderful idea!!
i adore that ... i want that ... i can't even begin to tell you how cute i think it is ... well done!! don't ever reupholster it .... but by all means, keep writing on it!
Amazing! Please don't reupholster it! Very inspiring to me, an "intermittent" calligrapher.
It is spectacular! I like it just the way it is, asymmetrical.
This is amazing, Martha! I say keep writing and painting!
that is very cool, I can read "create art" on the left but what is written on the right side?
(can't find my google password so I am anonymous today)You've been a busy girl during the holidays,please keep it up.
What a great idea. Wish I had the talent of such beautiful hand lettering!
Hi Martha, Thanks for the prayers. We can never have too many prayer warriors. I LOVE this chair. I think you should finish the chair first, let it sit for a while, then make the decision to recover and let it be.
Your chair is awesome Martha! I love how you have given it new life - and you didn't have to rule any lines. Now, what other items do you have lying around waiting for Martha's Extreme Makeover?
i am now dying to go out and find a chair that i can paint on!! too clever!!
Fantastic, those lines were just begging to be calligraphied.
that is so COOOOL! wow.
This is awesome!!! I love this chair!! Maybe you should design a line of furniture or, at least fabric!!
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