Every year for many years the Lettering Group here in Jacksonville had an art show at the JCA-Jewish community alliance. It is a wonderful space with lots of light and space down a well- traveled hallway as people in the community go to workout. We haven't had a show in several years until this year. The show is in May and it is in honor of a great Jacksonville calligrapher named, Bobbi Yoffee, who was, in my opinion, one of the greatest artists and calligraphers in the country. We were fortunate to have her in our group but she died of cancer a couple of years back. She did many pieces using Scripture from Song of Solomon and some of us are doing a verse from that book in honor of her. The verse I was given is a wonderful verse but I really had to think and think how to depict it. I am still not sure if this was the right choice. I toyed with mountains and hills and it just didn't seem to work so I went with the "listen" theme. The girl is a portrait one that I painted a while back and I actually changed the lettering in the portrait. Then I wrote the verse---several times. I know I could have waited because I have some time until May but sometimes these things hang over my head and I have to get something down on paper. I may change it by then but at least I have done the lettering---whew!
oh, martha...bobbi would have loved this! the colors are perfect, and she always loved to create fun letterforms. and i definitely think that she would be so impressed with your painting skills! it's perfect! :)
p.s. and i agree, she was a fabulous artist and friend. i still miss her terribly.
Martha, This is absolutely awesome just the way it is. I'm sorry I missed out on meeting Bobbi or seeing her works. I love seeing scripture in calligraphy.
This is so lovely, and even though I never knew your friend, I'm sure she would have loved it.
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