I had to turn the image so you could see the silver hope. I am making some paper quilts to put in an upcoming show called "Piece By Piece" and actually they chose
this to use for their advertisement promotion. That was nice. I might put in some of the flowers too. The only bad thing---I need to frame them. $$$$

As you know I have been having fun dyeing fabric and I have some Lutradur--(the tag says Pellon) and I painted some stripes of color directly from the Dye-na-flow dye jar that I am using. This fabric has an interesting organic texture to it but you can't tear it. I cut the Lutradur in pedal and leaf shapes and made a cone flower, stitched and added some calligraphy lettering. These little flowers are fun and easy and Bernie does a great job too!
Love the Paper Quilt Martha. You did a great job with the blanket stitch.
Congrats on the showing.
These are so beautiful!!
When and where is the show??
Martha, these are absolutely charming. Kudos for being chosen to represent the show. Thanks for the continuing inspiration.
LOVE IT!!!! and that lutradur flower is da-bomb!! :))
you go girl! i love those paper quilts. :-)
amazing as usual...your lettering is spellbinding!
Very beautiful work!
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