CalligraFun Class
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.
Learn to use Zig markers to create fun calligraphy-like letterforms to be used on
your journal pages, envelopes, cards,scrapbook titles and much more.
Wow your friends and family with your fancy and fun writing!
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.

This class will start you with the correct foundation beginning at step one
to help you become a calligrapher. I will take you through the tools to use
and lots of tips that took me years to figure out.
Calligraphy is a dying art
and once you learn the letterforms and as you practice
you will see improvement quickly.
It is a wonderful art.
Color Drop Flowers
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.
What is more fun that painting a garden of happy little flowers?
You will learn how to use an Oriental Sumi brush
to create pedals and leaves and learn fun techniques to make
flowers that will make you smile every time.
You can put them in your journal, on cards, or as decoration for
anything you want to add a little happiness.
And at this special price you will get far more
than you pay for.
Here is a video of the supplies:
And some yellow flowers growing fast:
Paint some Poppies with loose fun strokes and create your own Poppy garden. It is fun and easy and makes you happy!!
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.
The Study of Watercolor Pears
Scroll down the right side of the blog to find the thumbnail image.