These three panels were cut from a large sheet that I spray painted yesterday. I bought some new paints so I like the brighter colors. There are a few tweeks I will do for my next spraying, one being masking the outside edges of the stencil while I spray the black paint. I think that will make for a cleaner image. I have to spray fast because the mosquitoes will carry me off if I am there too long and the fumes are really bad even with the door wide open and with my mask on. I did a little bit of calligraphy on it and sewed it on. Bernie wasn't very cooperative this time at first but I realized that she wanted a new needle but not before she came unthreaded several times and just refused to move the paper with her feet. This was our first little spat in our new relationship. The middle lettering is upside down---yes it is---on purpose---???---well of course!
(not really!---but it's creative!)

The stencil work looks great. I think that layering looks very effective. I guess I am "dating" Bernie too and we have had some major arguments along the way:):) I think we have finally come to an understanding though-he is an expensive date!
Stunning work Marta!
very the effect
Wow, These look great. I like the upside down too. It just looks like it is going with the flow (in the round).
Wow Marthy - Martha :) (I have a migraine but I kind of like Marthy)
Funny how my fingers are not working properly!! :/
Anyway, love the stencil work, just beautiful. I'm waiting for it to cool off a bit here to do some.
Love the triptych idea. Which markers are your favorite for fabric? Because of your calligra-fun class, I got the courage to letter on a piece of fabric, and while it is not perfect, it is exciting. Thanks for leading the way.
Aren't these just lovely!
You are always doing something different and inspiring. I love to come to your BLOG each day and see what you have worked on. You really inspire me.
These stencil works are really nice and I love the added calligraphy. It really sets it off perfectly.
hugs, Sue K
oooh, i likey likey!! :)))
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