Collag-ilating (verb)--I made up that word. I think I might do a Wikipedia entry. It is when you just start gathering your paints and magazine scraps and stamps and markers and charcoal and packing tape transfers and bits of fabric and just start to collage it on mindlessly, happily and serendipitously until you have something that you like. That is collagilating. This is a piece that started by collagilating and became this. As you see I grabbed those colors again that I must love.
Oh and Happy New Year! I hope that 2010 will be a blessed year for all of you. I love you all---and I love your art. oxox
I love this piece. It speaks to me because it has so much going on and yet it all fits together perfectly. I love your art and you and wish you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Martha my dear, you are oozing creativity!!
I love opening up my blog every morning knowing there will be a new entry from you!!
Wishing you a blessed New Year to my friend!!
The more I see your journal pages the more I want to see them in 'real life.'
Happy New Year, Martha! Yours is one of my favorite blogs I've added to my Google Reader this year!
Martha, I got Collage Journeys from the library yesterday and stayed up reading it last night. I was so inspired! And then I got up this morning to discover your post... Now I'm doubly inspired! Many thanks! And Happy New Year to you too!
I love made up words! I'll have to add collag-ilating to my list! and I'm intrigued by "packing tape transfers". how do you do that?
What a great word...and a great piece too! Do what you love Martha, you're so good at it! ;D Yes, that packing tape transfer thing is very interesting sounding!!!... Happy, healthy, fun loving, singing in the rain, bubble baths, eating lots of chocolate, pajama parties, dancing in the snow, creating wonderful art, playing with adorable grand babies, and kissing misbehaving pets anyway, New Year!!! (that's my version of your collag-ilating!) hee hee hee! xoxo
This is so beautiful Martha!!!
Love it!!
Happy new year to you!!
What fun Martha. I have enjoyed your art and getting to know you this year. Happy New Year.
Promise to continue collag-ilating!! This page really speaks to me and I can not wait to see more! L-O-V-E this! Happy day! Happy New year, Martha! Thanks for a great 2009 enjoying your work and your company!♥
Hey Martha
I make up words, too. My favorites are grandgirl and regusting.
I love your collage and must incorporate collagillating into my vocabulary.
Happy New Year to you,
Love the new word and work! Just love your art!Aka Sherry A
Wikipedia entry - Martha, you crack me up! This is a great piece, I really like the palette you used. Happy New Year!
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