I must say that I am very thrilled with how the Parallel pens work on this rough watercolor paper and I dipped it in two colors of Hydros watercolor. I did lay down a thin coat of clear gesso because calligraphy over watercolor washes have a tendency to bleed so maybe I have solved that with the clear gesso. I have been doing pretty good at filling up this journal and as you see I seem to be using the same colors. Note to self: Jump out of this color box you are in! Maybe use some lavender!
I think I NEED for you to come over to give me private lessons. I am blown away by what you do....every day, too! I thank you for sharing. I look forward to my art vitamins, daily, from you, Martha.
Marthy, lavender?? Well I suppose so, it you have too!! lol
I bet you can make lavender look good!!!
I woke up to 5 minutes of snow flurries. Of course it has stopped!! I sure would like some snow!! It has been known to happen!
I just love your style! Your art pages are wonderful.
Thank you Martha for linking up on my Creative Saturday post today. You really are an amazing artist!
Inspired each time I stop by,
Lee Ann
Yummy! I always look forward to my "fix" of Martha's art! You inspire me every time. I will hope to see lavender, too I'm sure it will be awesome!
Hi Martha,
As usual, I love your work. Clear gesso? I never heard of it before. Now I have something new to look for. Have you tried Workable Fixative to keep your calligraphy from smearing? It's supposed to work for that, although I haven't played too much with it to give it a decent try. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art. Like the others, I look forward to checking your blog everyday for some wonderful inspiration.
Linda Epstein
Such pretty colors Martha. I don't use lavendar much either. Altho, I do like purple, lavender and reddish purple together...not on me but painted together.
Haven't been working on too much stuff here lately...computer probs! Had to install a new hard drive on hubbys' computer...and now trying to figure out how to restore his files to the new hard drive...I'm about ready to pull out my hair!!!
What beautiful work. If only I could write beautiful as you.. I know you have practiced for several years..I love words with my work but my writing is so not pretty..LOL
i dont know... i really like the color combination you have going on here. I love the journal pages.
I love these colors Martha! I have an award for you so please stop by!
LOVELY! Which clear gesso are you using? I have Liquitex which I think leaves a sandpaper-like surface.
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