The image above is with a filter from my "Totally Rad" program that really does put totally rad actions on photos and paintings. Pretty cool, huh? I could go on and on with the totally rad filters. The original is below.

She does look rather goddess-like and actually kinda Cher-like with all the flowers in her hair. I am so tired of painting hair the same way over and over so I thought I would try something different. The background is paint and stamps and brayers and more stamps and wax paper mono stamping and script stamps and toilet paper circles. I did add the flower goddess text in a circle in Photoshop just so I wouldn't forget how to do that. She has been enhanced somewhat in PS and just a few butterfly stamps added. I should be Christmas shopping rather than painting a flower goddess. Maybe someone will receive a Flower Goddess as a Christmas present! I probably will add some sort of quote but not sure about that. Have a wonderful day, my friends!
Oh Martha...She is SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love her both ways! Hugs, ;D
Love those flowers in her hair, they are gorgeous!!! And I really like the other one too! It's interesting to see what you can do with one image!
She is beautiful, so love the flowers in her hair. My daughter did a lady with stars as her hair. I really should post her work, she is very good.
This would be a perfect gift Martha!!
This is a beautiful painting - love her serene face and all the pretty flowers in her hair!
Martha she's awesome, her face speaks love and joy!!!
Blessings to you and your family!!!
I love her, I love her, I love her!
she's beautiful, martha!! i love the idea of using flowers for her hair....sounds very retro (didn't the cowsills sing that song?!!). :))
WOWEE!! This is really beautiful. I love how creative you are and very cool filter effect too!
Martha, she is really beautiful.
Interesting filter. It looks like you have such fun.
LOVE the colors and the serene, soft quality. Flowers in her hair...beautiful!
Your lady is very beautiful and she is smiling because you created her. I do not know of your rad filters you speak of however I love everything blue! Thank you for sharing. <:o)
AWESOME! I like them both.
Just gorgeous Martha. A wonderful change from "hair".
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