Just a little doodling in Greenville while the baby was sleeping. I wish I had brought my Copics but there were a few key colors of Zigs and I bought a graph pad at CVS while getting Butt Paste for the baby. I am not being crude, Butt Paste is one the the best baby diaper rash inventions ever invented! I painted a few more things too that maybe I will blog. They are in my daughter's camera so when she sends them on I will blog them. Doesn't really seem like fall here in Jacksonville where it was 85 degrees but the weather in Greenville, SC, yesterday before we left was like heaven--68 degrees and sunny with clear mountains in the distance---beautiful.
Hi Martha,
WOW! I love the doodled pumpkins. It is cool and raining here and the trees are just starting to 'turn'.
Pumpkins, babies, art! Perfect! I love Doodle! (Here in WNY, we woke up to a frost!! Wow! No wonder why my hubby turned the heat on in the house). Have fun today, Martha!
Love your pretty pumpkins. :)
Wow, even your 'doodling' is amazing! Love this!
looks like you took the perfect zigs with you....your pumpkins are so cute! hope the butt paste helped....the baby, that is! :))
Too cute little pumpkins!!! I bought some of those mini pumpkins for my table. Reg. color and some white ones....might have to paint those little white ones!
Love your doodles.....
I love your fun lettering Martha!
Those are some cute pumpkins and really pretty lettering too!...I've never heard of "Butt Paste". What a funny name! Hope the baby is all better. =D
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