Make sure you always take your small Molskine or whatever journal you have with you at all times--especially when you waiting in the Dr's office. The time flies by and you don't think about being at the dr's office and before you know it they call you and your's done. I actually like using a regular pencil although I do like using a 2or 3B. But usually it is so messy and smuggie that I would rather just use the regular HB. Have a wonderful day!
Nice Martha. I prefer something small to sew or embroider. :)
I can see a difference in your drawings Martha. You are honing your skill!
your drawings are great! i'm lucky if i can get through the entire People magazine! :)
I love the drawings and your idea too!
i like hb best too ....
Wonderful drawings. I love her hair (the first two girls).
Great idea! I am blessed with 2 young boys going through orthodontia - plenty of drawing time!
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