This is in my Moleskine journal. The birds are a stamp that is just the outline of the birds that I painted and the swirls are a hand carved stamp. I love to carve stamps and I need to use them more in my backgrounds. This Moleskine is a sketch pad so I coat it with Gesso before I paint although you probably don't really need to. But when you coat the pages with Gesso it makes the pages kind feel like leather when you're done.
What a great journal page. The colors are yummy and of course I love the texture! I can almost hear the little birdies chirping their 'songs.'
I have a number of hand-carved swirls myself-you can't have too many!
what a great idea using the bird stamp to get you started! and you know that i'm loving your swirl stamps, too!! your moleskine is going to look awesome when you're finished with it! :)
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