Yesterday I had very much indecision finalizing the pieces that would go into this upcoming show at the Women's Center. The pieces that are due for delivery today were finished but... which ones should go? ...and what price?... and do I really want to sell that even if it sells (a big IF there) ...and what represents me most as an artist---and so on and so on. So I finally settled on the 10 that I thought would be the best for this show. The name of the show is;"From the Studio Of..." So anything goes. I have some calligraphy, some poppies and some girls. I think that represents at least some of me. I have several shows coming up in the next few months and two that overlap so I guess I need to produce a few more if I can. This is new for me....yikes....putting my babies out there...
I'd love more info as to where you're shows are so that I can go see your creations...
Would love directions -- times -- dates too. Your lovely gift was so appreciated by the Women for christ Board!
Great Martha! Good Luck.
I certainly understand those challenges. Good for you for going for it! Your work is beautiful and inspiring.
I understand about your "babies" :)
I wish I could come to your showing. Greg's mom lived in Ameila till she passed away, and we would visit often. Greg's sister just moved back to Fernandina, so I'll give you a shout next time we are there.
Enjoy the showing Marthy!! :)
Your babies will find loving new homes. Have a good time at the show!
Looks great Martha! Good luck on your sale.
Congratulations on the show Martha! I'm sure your work will be a beautiful addition. :-)
What I would give to be at this show to support you, other artists & the Women's Center!
And of course you can use my image for your blog... thank you so much for your sweet comment today.
Good luck with the event, Martha.
this looks like the perfect mix....a few letters, a few girls and a few poppies....yep, i'd say that's you alright!! congrats on the show!! :))
These are all so wonderful. Congratulations on your show! Hope you have fun!
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