Ok, I confess, I drew these in church but I was listening, I promise. I'm sure that people are thinking I am so spiritual taking all those notes! Well, confession is good for the soul. I think I will paint these girls on a canvas or just print them off and practice painting them or use colored pencils ala Suzi. Hey, also, guess what I did yesterday? I painted some Poppies! Remember my Poppy phase? It was nice to see that I could still paint one! I should blog it. Maybe I will. Have a great Thursday. Tomorrow morning I am having part two done of my implant tooth surgery. UGh! Six more months until I get the tooth. At least it is on the side but still shows if I smile too big. I am getting so tired of wearing my "party tooth flipper." Sorry, that's more details than you needed.
I lost a tooth while I was in London many many many years ago while in college ( I only needed a root canal but no such luck there) and the old bridge finally collapsed so---it was time for the implant.
I will post the Youtube video of the "Red Journal" on Friday because I might not be able to create any art. Unfortunately, they have to put me under. Not looking forward to it.
Hope your procedure goes well. Praying for you this morning!
I love, love, love your first church girl. A totally different tilt of the head. Can't wait to see how she develops!
Take care, Martha, and let us know how you get along. . .
When I saw the title I was wondering what "church girls" meant! :)
Will be praying that all goes well with the implant. Six months will fly by! It's hard to believe it's been almost 2 since Christmas!!!!
Martha your church girls are lovely, can hardly wait to see them in color, and I am sure you will be forgiven for celebrating the children in church. Hugs
I remember your wonderful Poppy phase! I am in prayer for you this morning Martha. May God bless you with a fast and full recovery. (So long Flipper!)
I will be praying for you this morning that all goes well and you heal quickly......
I love the church girls....
Hugs and Blessings,
I sometimes pay attention better if my hands are moving. Praying for your procedure tomorrow. Yes, I always enjoy your poppies.
Prayers for you, Martha. Take good care of yourself. Looking forward to hearing that you are doing well...Loving the idea of more Martha-Poppies, too! hugs, Kathy
I hope all goes well with the procedure..
I love the church girls...
I know you were listening..
very nice
Sunday I found the cutest drawing in the ladies room on top of the trash. Someone had drawn an adorable teenage girl and doodled someone's name (theirs?). I picked it up and thought I should take it with me but instead left it for others to enjoy.
now I think I should have brought her home
hope all went well this a.m.
Both of them are beautiful and good luck with your procedure!
May you have a quick and easy session with the tooth implant process. I love these "Church" girls you drew. Looking forward to seeing their progress of colorization. Keep creating...
I the church girls. Of course I lvoe all your girls and you know I'm waiting for you to teach them in a class! LOL
I feel for you and your ordeal tomorrow as I've had way to much dental work over the years that has made me terrified of anythign dental. At least you'll be out...put me out any day. I wish they would even do it for fillings. :-0
That's as good a place as any to create. After all, you have a God given talent.
Take extra special care of yourself and I'll say extra special prayers.
i laughed when i read that you thought "people are thinking I am so spiritual taking all those notes!" i remember that i used to draw girls all the time during class when i was in high school. my teachers must have thought i was so busy taking notes as well!
How did you get along, Martha? Hope all is well!
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