Goodness, I am so glad that post is over and done with. It has bothered me all day long that I had posted something that I didn't like but hey, I want to be real here! I need to post even the more unfortunate adventures of art du jour. Not all things work out but I do learn something from every piece I paint. Just like Lisa Engelbreight said when I went to her workshop in Birmingham, "You've got to put in the brush time...and sometimes it will be bad." But you all are so sweet with your encouraging comments so I don't feel quite as bad. Anyway, this girl is better and in person she even looks better. But tomorrow I might grunge her up a bit because she is a little bit too literal or something or ..oh, what's the word I am looking for....?? I decided not to manipulate her in Photoshop because actually it's getting to be dinnertime and I am hungry! Maybe tomorrow I will put a quote on her. Any ideas? She is actually painted over a background with some lettering that I had done several months ago that was...bad. It is 12 x 12 on a deep cradle panel and I hated to waste it on....bad. I painted the sides a distressty rust color. I think I just made up another word--"distressty." Ok, maybe I will go and stick my finger in the peanut butter jar. Dangerous....
I wish my misstakes looked half that good!
well, as billy joel would say to this butterfly girl, "i love you just the way you are"!! i think she's perfect.....with or without the quote, grunge....or peanut butter!! hee hee xox, :))
Your inner critic is being way too harsh on you. Your drawings are so beyond amazing. This butterfly girl is probably my very favorite as I love love love butterflies. Keep creating...
I agree with Lori and the others but if you must add something I suggest for a quote: "She heard whispers of sweet nothings"... nah, too long. How about "butterfly kisses".
Or no, I've got it.
Take a leap of Faith in He that guides your hand and leave her as is and post her in your shop. That's it, that's the ticket!! She is beautiful!!! I don't see her as unfinished as you do. And besides aren't we all unfinished works?
She really is beautiful Martha!
Martha, to me she looks like she's
reflecting...or contemplating...
you have such lovely writing...
reflections? contemplations?
i love putting pretty writing over my art too...
take care....hopefully you didn't loose your finger in the PB jar!
ciao bella
I really like her. They eyes are beautiful.
Wow, I think she is beautiful! I wish I could paint like that! :)
Marthy I love the coloring of her face, the shading, the highlights, you really are getting so good at these!! I like the touch of pink in her lower lip also. She is beautiful!
Sean and I had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch! :)
VanGough cut off his ear, Gauguin pretty much drank himself to death, their work under constant scrutiny and yet they held fast to their passion to portray what they saw around them with colors that would make a rainbow weep. Art is not a beauty pageant but the willingness to share a point of view that is torn from the heart and soul. So kuddos to you for your sharings. Hugs
Ooooh there is something captivating about those eyes. I just can't stop looking at them!
Martha...she is beautiful!! Don't you change a thing!!! I think she is one of the best portraits of all the ones you have done. I love the dreamy look in her eyes and she is just lovely!!! You just quit fretting now, hear me?? Wonderful work!
Martha, I am in agreement, you need to hush that crtic in your head....I like her very much...in fact, I like all your girls and to me they are just reflecting different attitudes....
I would be sad if your blog was any different than it is...Beautiful and creative....
Hugs and Blessings,
Martha...I think she's STUNNING! xoxo
Martha, I saw this beautiful butterfly girl and wondered if you did anything else with her? She really draws me in and I thought she was ssssssssstunning.
Have you added a quote or done anything else to her? Do you sell her as a print?
She is just really wonderful!
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