Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tee Shirt Design

Above is this year, 2009---as you can see...
This was 2007--on a purple tee
2006--a the yellow tee---

Every year I design the tee-shirt for my sister- in -law's Fine Arts Camp in West Point, Ga. It is the church I grew up in so I am glad to do the tee shirt but every year I struggle with the design.I am not too good with simple logo designs but for the past 4 years I have managed to come up with something.   I guess this year I was diminished to stick figures--although cute stick figures. This year we will use a white tee-shirt since the printer said I could use 4 colors. Usually I have only had two.  So...that's one thing I have checked off my list and was hanging over my head. Here are the ones I have saved. I can't find 2008. 


lori vliegen said...

TOO cute!! i want one! i just LOVE the little stick figures!!! you always do such a great job designing things like this!! :)

Jane Farr said...

Great job Martha! A church near my home holds a similar camp, and a man from our guild teaches Blackletter to the kids. :-)

Beedeebabee said...

I love them all! The smiley stick figures are especially adorable! You're so talented!!! Paulette :o)


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