Well, I am smitten already, it took all of--- 2 seconds. He was about 2 hours old here. He really is such a sweet baby. Today was so fun just hanging around the hospital, holding Marc, talking with Macaulay and Marc's friends and getting animal crackers from the vending machine---I love animal crackers. It is so amazing how good God is---but why am I ever amazed at Him?
Oh Martha, seeing Marc is making me want to have just one more!
the glow emanating from you is so special! what a special times in all your lives. enjoy every minute of it!
Congrats on your gorgeous blessing from above!! There is nothing in this world like the peace you get from holding a sweet, sweet baby!
I'm tellin' you Sister that baby took 10 years off of your face. Are yoiu sure you aren't the mommy? What joy*
Nana appears to come natural to you. Congratulations Marthat. What a beautiful grandchild you have there.
OMG he is too precious for words! Congrats Nana!
Ho gorgeous. I just want to squidge his little cheeks! Makes me want another one - but I think I'll just wait to be a granny one day! Looks like it's fun!
Congratulations!!! Love your smiling eyes!
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