The one thing that I have been searching for is to find out what medium paints the best face---for me. I have tried watercolor, acrylic, Caran d'Ache and Shiva and the winner is---as of today---Shiva Oil Sticks. I didn't really know the way to use them so I just decided to use them like any other oil paint and add some Gamsol. So this is the result. She probably doesn't look too much different from my other girls but I have struggled so much with the acrylic which leaves lots of brush strokes. Maybe that's ok but I am still searching. So this face was a pleasure to paint---you can change it and add more and change it and add more and it's just dreamy. I love it- so for now---I will use Shiva for all my faces---but will still use acrylic for the backgrounds. You can paint Shiva over acrylic but not acrylic over Shiva.
delightful! one of my favorites of your girls! i have a set of shiva but have not tried doing faces yet. i think i'm a bit intimidated by it. one day i will be brave and give it a try, i promise!
it's all about discovery, isn't it?! my vote always goes for whatever you're loving at the moment...and is making the muse happy! :)
This girl is lovely, she is so beautiful and serene.
Also, thanks for sharing your technique!
Wow. I have the Shivas, but haven't used them yet. I must try this.
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