Well, just when you think that you will never ever create anything again (the new Somerset Studio had a name for it) Creative Deficit or something. That is what I have been feeling lately. I don't know why, but I still say that it might be a wind down to get back to my roots with the conference next week....but here is something that makes me so excited that I am about to do the happy dance. I decided to try a Xylene transfer. I thought I had thrown out my Xylene in the move several years ago but I came across it and decided to just go for it and see if it would transfer. I used to do it all the time. The lettering is a font from my computer but I turned it backwards and printed it on my laser printer. You have to have a laser print--at least I think you do.
The top one is on painted muslin and the second one is on watercolor paper from a previous background. I thought it turned out pretty good. And the xylene is kinda like smelling gas--either you love it or hate it. Here below are a few more backgrounds that were passable but have potential.

I'm loving your background textures, nice blend of colours and textures, they are going to look great with your lettering and artworks. Also really like that aged effect with the transfers, wonderful.
You know I think there just may be a kind of rhythm to creativity and art. I think that we just plain go through slumps because we need to refuel and restore all that gets depleted as we create. I think because we enjoy the process so much we fail to realize just how much it takes to keep those creative juices flowing...
oh my, these are fantabulous!!
I made us a new word. lol
I wonder if there is a negative bug going around...I have heard several artists speak of it, including me!!!
We are going to stomp on it okay!!
Martha, These are great...and I love hearing about new techniques...got real excited when reading about Xylene transfer..never heard of it before...
So glad you are excited again; it just radiates in your words...you go girl.....
Gorgeous backgrounds as always, Yes I think the 'slump' is just that you're getting geared up for your next adventure.
Never heard of this but I love the textures and colors of your backgrounds, Martha...especially that teal one...ooooh!
Don't be discouraged about you 'creativity deficit', as you called it. It seems to me you are taking the right course and working through the slow spot. I like what you are creating and am inspired by your commitment to continue.
In fact, I love the top piece, the one on muslin. Gorgeous movement and color!
Keep it up!
Yay for xylene! I was going to e-mail you- we had some conversation recently about markers and such. I use the Chartpak markers and love how they bleed into each other and they really last a lot longer than the alcohol based markers. Where do you get plain Xylene? I need to refresh my old markers but its getting harder to find! Btw- beautiful, I mean beautiful colors- for someone having trouble with creativity you are putting out some great work!
These are beautiful. You're going to be fine...
your excitement is contagious, martha! love what you've done here and it looks like fun. i've been in a creative slump for a few months now. i feel like i may be starting to come out of it a bit. thanks for your sweet words about my new collage!!
Hey Martha - sounds like you have been out of sorts of late - been feeling the same way here and not sure why- but like you I have a good excuse to blame it on hormones a well - hope it passes soon - me too - hope it passes - enjoy your trip!!
I truly live for your backgrounds Martha!
Yay for xylene! I was going to e-mail you- we had some conversation recently about markers and such. I use the Chartpak markers and love how they bleed into each other and they really last a lot longer than the alcohol based markers. Where do you get plain Xylene? I need to refresh my old markers but its getting harder to find! Btw- beautiful, I mean beautiful colors- for someone having trouble with creativity you are putting out some great work!
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