Well, ok, I am now officially, head over heels, desperately in love with.... Rub Ons!! Oh my goodness, where have I been all these years?! They will rub onto anything. I read where you could make your own rub ons from transparencies. Works ok--but not nearly as good as this. Think I will buy more. I made these cubes a while back but I just put on the rub ons. That officially makes it art du jour!
I bought a FLIP video camera yesterday. Maybe I will film myself doing---hummmm---I don't know yet---but hopefully-something artsy...
Ooohh these look so gorgeous, I have some rub ons too... didnt realise they could go anywhere either lol Sarah xx
Those are fantastic, Martha!
Love these little paintings. Great rub ons... careful, they're addictive. lol
Congrats on your Flip. I love mine. Can't wait to "see" you in action!
These are darling!! Love them!! Beatiful work!
those are pretty, pretty...i also love rub ons too.
these are very special -- seriously! ok, now i have to go to hobby lobby tomorrow to buy rub-ons. shhhh! don't tell my hubbie!
yes, in my world, rub-ons fall into the same category as sliced bread...whoever thought of it is a genius! :)
Martha, I would love it if you would show us how you use the shiva oil sticks to do your faces. You mentioned using something with it to help it go on more smoothly?
Can't wait to see what you come up with for videos. :)
These are cute. I especially like the ball "legs".
Oh wow Martha, these are GREAT! Where did you get the rub ons? Ha. I bought a video camera last week as well, just been too busy to paly with it.
These are soooo lovely. Was I imagining it or was there another post before that one that had your beautiful girls on some fabric??
oh my goodness i love these! i have some rub-ons but never thought to put them on canvas.
that's next on my list!
can't wait to see your videos!
These are gorgwous. Rub-ons are one of my favorite scrapbooking supplies. I would love to make some of there blocks. I didn't you could make rub-ons with transparencies. How?
very fun little cubes! i love rub ons too. so fun to play with.
I love these adorable little pieces!
I'm not sure where to post this...but will you be having any classes in Jacksonville??????
JackieW from Miami
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