These are in my Moleskine---(I heard this was pronounced Mol-ska-na) Sounds better than Molskin---anyway, the girl on the left is colored with Graphitint pencils and the girl on the right is Shiva. Everything gives a different look-it just depends on the look you are going for. I find that drawing faces is relaxing to me. I draw them when I am engaged in my my other addictions---Americal Idol and Dancing with the Stars. I am still liking the Shiva the best for the faces. If you add Gamsol then you can blend them. Then sometimes in my journal I add acrylic over the Shiva for more texture for the hair. Actually the Shiva police would probably come and get me for this but it's not for sale so---anything goes in the Mol-ska-na!
Forget about the shiva police, it's your art, do with it as you will is my thought. I think they are both very nice. I do see the difference though. I like the way the Shiva looks smoother. The other one almost has a bad makeup look to it. Like a teenager just beginnning to learn how to apply her makeup. :) Such a silly thought. Your faces are always so pretty no matter what medium you use.
The girls are both lovely, totally different looks because of the media you used, but equally lovely in their own unique way. I love the dreamy, pondering looks in their eyes.
i'm not familiar with the graphitint pencils...do i need a set?! they can keep the shivas company (that i haven't opened yet!). your girls are looking beautiful! :)
what totally different looks you got with the 2 different mediums. both lovely. i have just started playing a bit with shiva paintstiks and theya re wonderful.
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