Here is a little doodle---watercolor pencils and brush lettering in my Molskine. This is my first scan with my new scanner. It is wonderful now that I got it working. Have you ever called and waited for the tech person to answer and when finally they come on and you attempt to explain your problem the machine just starts magically working and you feel like a total idiot? He actually laughed at me. Well, he doesn't know me so no harm done. It's working, that's the important thing.
Totally wonderful colors!
Lookin' great Martha! I've got a wonderful scanner, but bought a VISTA computer a few months back and now it won't work on my computer. Have it sitting on MY desk, but it is plugged into hubbys' computer. When I need to scan something, I get to play musical computers!! Such fun!!
Sue K
Now Martha, He wasn't laughing at you, he was laughing with you. Sounds much better that way and Yes I've had that happen beofre. It is a bit awkward feeling isn't it! I love your doodle, really pretty.
Martha !
I can't keep up with you. I've come for a visit and you have done so much since I was last here. Shame on me....I'm adding you to my google reader so I can keep up.
Love all that you have been doing.
your new scanner looks like it's working great...it really picked up all of that beautiful color in your doodle-de-do! :)
yeah, you got your scanner! i plan to get mine some day soon. can't wait! the doodle is delightful!
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