Friday, November 14, 2008


It's really funny about doing these different pieces. This one started out really bad---background was bad, her face was not good, didn't know what it needed--- then it kinda came together and now I actually really like it. That is my calligraphy in the background and the birds singing and the sound of God's Word is surely a heavenly sound. So---there you have it!


Teresa aka Tess said...

Oh I think she is quite lovely and all the different things going on with the background pulls the viewer into the painting. I've found artists usually do say they dislike some of the best work. Silly! I write poetry and tend to judge them negatively at first, until someone reads and raves or until I put it away to find years later and wonder why I didn't like it in the first place.

sherry carrigan said...

Your writing is beautiful and so is your painting. I, too, have had issue with backgrounds, etc...then as you said, all of a sudden, it comes together. Are you coming to NC for Inspired 2009?

MWT said...

Love your new postings, I haven't visited in a week or so. My loss! Your vlogs are great, you're becoming so multimedia. The Angel with the Bible page wings is truly inspirational. Also bless you for Ruth(my Moms name).She went home almost a year ago to the week you posted her. I saw her last time I visited you and she reminded how sweet Mom was. You were one of Mom's faves of my 'girl"friends. Keep on posting, Michael

MWT said...

PS. Happy Birthday, I read your friends "tribute" to you. Aren't we all blessed to have good friends.

Gifts of Creation said...

Hi Martha!
I love your latest musical girl!!
Absolutely gorgeous!!
You need to be in ArtWalk...
I'm going to find out about it.


lori vliegen said...

i love her...and i like the addition of the birds! very sweet! happy for you with all of your positive feedback! woo hoo!

Brenda said...

She's beautiful and I love your background with the verse.

Martha Lever said...

Thanks you all!!! No, I can't get to INSPIRED but I know it will be great!!!


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