Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This is a book I made for Stephanie, at VillaRiva, for her son, who is 12. It is a journal for him to write his journeys and thoughts. I love this idea. The Scripture says, "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me." Psalm 138:8

It turned out really cute. It is a composition notebook and I love these covered notebooks. I use them for everything; journals, doodlings, art ideas and whatever. They're great. I have a few of them on ETSY and maybe I will do a few more of these for kids. I think I need to be pumping up the ETSY site with stuff for Christmas too. This would be a good Christmas item. I think I will paint today also so maybe you will see something else today above.

1 comment:

lori vliegen said...

this is such a cute book...and i agree, a great idea for your etsy shop!


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