I wanted to relate this story because it is just so great. Last night about 10:00 I received an email through my ETSY shop from a wonderful lady who had this story to tell me. Several years ago in 2003 while she was living in Albany, GA, she was having some terrible troubles in her life. She was very upset and discouraged and really didn't know what to do. During those times she was at WalMart one day buying bread and as she reached for the bread this little card was right where her hand was! She read the Scripture on the card and knew that it was just for her. She said instantly her countenance changed and she knew that God had heard her prayer. And isn't God clever, leaving it in the "Bread" isle! But the rest of the story is that she has had that card in her day timer for all these years and she just happened upon my Etsy site and saw this print I had for sale. What are the odds of that!? I don't think this little card is even printed any more---and this one was in Albany, GA! Anyway, that was a great blessing for me because sometimes we just don't know when God is using us but it sure it nice sometimes when He lets us know. This is a very small business card size card called a "Pass It On" card that was printed from Universal Designs Inc.
yes, only God can come up with such a great storyline! what a neat thing that she found you!
Hi Martha!! I'm the one that found the card in the bread!! I think it's so neat you shared the story on your blog. I just came back from a women's retreat and one of the things we talked about was being specific when we ask God for confirmation and I shared this story and how I just ran across your site. They were so blessed to see how God can be so personal and you know, it just occured to me while I was sharing it how appropriate it was that I found the spiritual sustenance I needed in the "bread"....I guess I was a little slow on that one..but it makes it even all the more special. I just moved to the Jax area 2 years ago and I think it is so awesome that I found you on Etsy and that you live here...Thanks again.
Isn't God's love for us absolutely awesome! And what a beautiful encouraging story! That Scripture is one of my favorites too!~Sherry A
Now you made me go and cry. What a beautiful testimony of Gods love for us. And it is no coincidence that I came across this post today (which is dated 2008)of the very first scripture God gave to me a long time ago when I became a new baby Christian. And I just "happened" to come across this scripture earlier today and I didn't think too much about it then- but I do now. God does know what we need and He always provides. Glory to His name!
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