who is a fiber artist with the most wonderful things. Everything is made of French lace and silk and cut in strips and I was ouuu--ing and ahhh--ing just over the strips. Her dad said he would save me their scraps---woo hoo. I can just see these in books and ---mixed media stuff!!! I don't know where I will ever wear this hat but I don't care---I just had to have it and I will wear it at the Red Door when I feel like being Mattie Lou (my muse inner artist self--- and grandmother name sake.)
ALSO---Hey and check this out--Julie Bagamary took a pic of her canvas bag while we were at Random ARts.
And ALSO check out Terry Stegmiller
She has a wonderful practice sheet she has done and I am so proud of her success!! She has some interesting classes also---painting faces on fabric--hmmmm-sounds like something I might like to do!!!
ALso--Look at Sherry
She has a wonderful example of what she has done in the class and look at the fun flowers!! I am so proud of everyone!!!
ALSO--look at Ingela! Incredible!! I am just busting with pride for my students!!
oh martha that hat suits you perfectly!!! it's so lovely on you!! love it!! went and checked out kathryn's site and fell in love with her headbands. they're fabulous!!!
Martha, I love the hat and love the hat on you. You look so chic!!!
Wow, that hat looks GREAT! If you get a chance, click the "contact/email me" link on the right side of my blog. I need your mailing address. Got a new shoe for Little Bernie and want to mail it to you.
Thanks for mentioning me here, Martha.
Sherry P.
you and mattie lou both look cute as a button in your new hat! what a great find! :)
love the hat sounds fun!
Love it! And I love your class!
That hat looks so great on you!
Oh you sassy you!!!!
SWOON! I adore...I mean ADORE that darling hat!!! Look how lovely you are sweet Martha:) xoxo
Great picture! I love the hat, I'm a total hat fanatic!!
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