More watercolor background collaged and stitched flowers. I like this one better than yesterday's post. Will I ever not write on the right lower corner??---probably not. This must be my comfort zone although I do try to jump out of the bottom right corner box from time to time. And since I have it scanned I can certainly delete the lettering and just use it as flowers alone. But I am into a lettering mood these days....funky, whimsical letters. I actually wrote it out first with traditional Italic letterforms and---not so good. That's why you have to write it out first or ---you're lookin' for trouble---calligraphy trouble....which includes any blunt object nearby to beat yourself in the head.
ALSO, look at Susan Clayton! She made a name plate for her mother's door at Hospice. SO very proud of all my students!
These are very pretty!
I love this one!
LOL...I tend to paint tree trunks on the right. Can't help it. You made pure magic on this one, Martha.
Martha your color combination's are so beautiful!!
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