Friday, June 26, 2009

Maiden Voyage on the Bernina

I am very excited to have my new baby, the Bernina.  Now that I have learned to thread it and bobbin it---I am off and having so much fun.  As you can see I tried my free stitch foot and it kinda got away from me. Need to practice on that one. I will start the Mastery classes on August 1st so I can really learn to sew---probably about 45 years over due---Mama would be proud of me---
1st image--original painting on watercolor
2nd, 3rd,4th images printed on fabric
5th image--original on watercolor
6th --original acrylic on gessoed canvas--this one almost went into the trash after I painted it but I found it in the back of a drawer---I kinda like it better now with the stitching.


julie king said...

yeah for you!!!!!!! it looks like so much fun! my faves of these are the top poppy one and the bottom one. i'm so glad you did not throw it in the trash. i love the soft impressionistic look of it!

Terri Stegmiller said...

wooo hooo, she's got the Bernina! I'm betting you'll have it mastered in no time.

Julie Bagamary said...

AWESOME!! Good for you Martha!!

Beverly Ash Gilbert said...

Fun, fun, fun - love your 'carried away'!

Kristin said...

You and the Bernina are getting along beautifully! Gorgeous!

macaulay said...

Yippie for the Berninie!

jgr said...

These are beautiful!! I can't wait to see more.


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