This one above is my favorite and is actually much cuter in real live.

Above is my second favorite--CREATE--is actually a very poorly hand- carved stamp.

Sometimes I try to create without thinking (can you tell? :)---well, you know what I mean by that...I try not to think it out too much but just start putting color, stamps, frames, collage or just whatever and see what emerges. (Sometimes it delights me...sometimes it doesn't!) But what I try to do is say to myself is, "Can this piece be salvaged before I drown it in gesso?" I try to also use some of my supplies that have been pushed to the back and not used in a while (that will take a few lifetimes to get through that). It's hard to do this without thinking that it might not have a purpose other than it was an intuitive little ditty just for the sake of creating a little ditty. If something emerges for the Etsy shop then great...if not...it's ok(yeah right--try prying the hammer out of my hand before I start beating myself over the head with it!). So on some Thursdays I will try to post some little "no think" ditties. Here are a few . They are on 5x7 panels. Some of these might turn into "Hangy Thangies" for the Etsy shop but......we'll see. And I want to create some more Knobetts....well we'll see...
Martha, These are absolutely lovely...every single one of them!! I love what they say, love the colors...everything!!!
These are lovely little pieces. You are so right working just in the process can be so rewarding and for those pieces that just are there...well that is the gift of paint. Have a great day!
you've been busy "no thinking"!!! i love the little metal frames that you've incorporated into your artwork...really cute!! :)
your work and your blog are lovely !! nice to meet you through the teacher's lounge at CW :)
Your paintings are always so pretty. I love to stop by. :-)
They're great Martha! Such an explosion of color, and you keep me happy when you include your fabulous lettering. :-)
These are just delightful!!!
Have a greatweekend!
Oh Martha, These are all just beautiful! I love your colors, too. I am really thinking about taking your class, Have a good day!
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