Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is a free photograph of a Songbird that I found on the internet that I altered and painted with acrylic directly onto the print. My goal is to attempt to learn some photography basics and use my own photographs. I have a few that I think might be paintable but I just wanted to try this one to see what would happen.
This was very easy and so fun and.... oh how I love birds. There are so many beautiful birds in South Carolina around our daughter's yard but I haven't been successful in capturing any of them. I am heading back up there to stay with her and little Marc while Daddy Marc goes to a wedding. Maybe I can shoot some pictures and paint them. We'll see.


Kelly Warren said...

very pretty! suggestions on where I can find free prints like these? they'd be fun to work into collage pieces too. :-) i love birds too.

Sharon Tomlinson said...

Oh this is wonderful. I love the looseness and brush strokes. This style appeals to me so much. Good luck with getting pictures.

Tita Mama said...

I love the painting too, and think it is a wonderful idea to paint over photographs. We have lots of birds here in NC, too, but I can never get close enough to get a good picture. I need to invest in a really good zoom lens, I guess! What lens and camera do you use?

Teresa aka Tess said...

I would love to try this techique also. I believe Misty Mawn uses it. I love what you've done with this print. I agree with Sharon, the brush strokes are very appealing. Have fun with little Marc and enjoy the song birds.

lori vliegen said...

love this!! can i tempt you with lunch and dessert in exchange for some lessons?! :)

Debbie said...

Great painting idea! I would love to learn how to do this technique. Good job!

Carol Sloan said...

when are you coming to SC? LEt's try and connect while you're here!

Jennifer Williams said...

Oh I like this! I have never tried that technique myself. I will have to keep an eye on your progress. great work!


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