Sunday, March 15, 2015

Little Still Life

I have been sick all week with either the flu or a virus--whatever it is it's been terrible.  I haven't done anything art wise so today I just had to rally enough to paint a little watercolor from a set up I put together. This is one of my new pitchers from ebay.

I didn't have the energy to get out the oil paints but hopefully this little set up can become an oil painting too.


MyLittleBlueDog said...

It is a lovely watercolour, hope you feel better soon.

Kay said...

Take care of yourself - hope you feel much better soon. Glad you at least felt good enough to paint such a lovely watercolor.

Jo C said...

Sorry to hear you have been sick. Feel better soon! Lovely vase and flowers.

fran pascazio said...

I hoe you're feeling better…..this still life is beautiful…I love your watercolors….

Wildflowerhouse said...

Sad that you have been ill but happy to see this wonderful watercolor. Take care. Sharon

Lana Manis said...

I love this, Martha! I hope you are better now. :)


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