Tuesday, January 12, 2016


If you are an oil painter with your ear to the ground then you already know that all the buzz right now is Dreama Tolle Perry's new online class. Registration ends tonight and class officially kicks off January 23rd.  Everyone is so excited including me. I took her class here is Jacksonville several years back and painted two paintings that I really liked and enjoyed painting. Her methods are fun and she is a great teacher.  Here are the two paintings I painted in the in-person class with her. We'll see how I do in this online class.


Deborah Nolan said...

Dear Martha both of these are beautiful. So glad you shared them. Hope you are off to a super new year.

Martha Lever said...

Thank you, Deborah!!

Anonymous said...

I took a class with her in Indiana and it was fabulous!! Keep us posted on how you like the online class, I may take it next.


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