Monday, November 8, 2010

I Will Go

I am still drawing faces in the composition journal. I really don't mind the lines. I love lines---why do I love lines? I guess lines are a comfort zone for me. I don't really know why. There must be some deep seated thing going on in me. Maybe it's just something to hold on to. Of course I like drawing faces without the lines too on a canvas but it's not as comfortable as in my composition journal.
"I will go" is from the book of Ruth. I love that sweet story of Ruth and Boaz.


Patti G. said...

She is beautiful and you can even make lines running through your drawn faces look good! :0)
Great meaning behind it too with the Ruth scripture!
Have a super week!

lori vliegen said...

the Book of Ruth is one of my very favorites......just as this sweet little girl is, lines and all!!!! (maybe i like her because i have lines on my face too!! heehee)
xoxox, :))

Diane said...

I really like all of your girls Martha and they look younger. I know that's what you were going for a few months ago. I like the lines on the face too--you can maybe put a word on her face?

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Happy Birthday, Martha!

Art by Darla Kay said...

You definitely make the lines work for your sketches! She's beautiful!!

Karen Kay said...

I adore lines, which is probably why I chose "Lines and Grids" for my sketchbook project. Are you doing the sketchbook project 2011 Martha? I love your girl too!

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

love the eyes. Your girls always have the most expressive eyes. Your love of lines, maybe it expresses the need for pattern, grid work that gives a feeling of being grounded...whatever the reason it's an interesting observation.

nacherluver said...

Happy Early Birthday Martha!!!

Sandi said...

Martha a beautiful thought and picture a great way to begin a Birthday Week. Hugs

LuckyDog said...

Happy early birthday, Martha!!!
I hope you have an absolutely
fabulous day and enjoy celebrating
it with those you love. XOXO, Donna

Martha from ilove2paint said...

What a beautiful face, she is lovely, the text too.
And since I see you will have a birthday soon, I want to wish you a wonderful and happy day. And a chunky slice of cake!
Martha (another Martha!)

K said...

Another one addicted to Willow! Me to :)
Happy birthday!!

Eden said...

She's beautiful!! I love your girls :D And.....Have a great Birthday week :D :D

Cynthia Schelzig said...

I like the lines too...looks like you are having fun with your face drawings and I know it is your birthday tomorrow cause Lori told us:)....make it a good one!!!

Tara said...

Love your work! You have a wonderful bloggy buddy who sent us over to wish you a blessed birthday tomorrow! Hope it is all you wish for.

Createology said...

Happy Birthday Martha...yes tomorrow! However it is never too early or too late to celebrate!! Your work really speaks to my heart. Thank you for sharing it. Celebrate...

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I think you should celebrate for at least one full week! I love this girl an your words and letters. I saw this posted outside a church: "Fight Truth Decay". (Isn't that great?)♥ I hope your no-hives diet allows you to eat chocolate cake...K

Kelly said...

Awesome face and words. I love the story of Ruth and Boaz too! Amen, I will go!


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