I was tagged yesterday by the very talented Lisa.
you are to post the fourth image in your fourth folder and tag 4 others to do the same. Can't believe I did the tag thing promptly. Please forgive me if I have not sent the tag on properly before in previous taggings. MY bad :(My fourth folder was just some notes I had taken so I had to move on the the next folder and this was the 4th pic. I did this piece several years ago at a Calligraphy conference in Boston with the famous Charles Pearce (famous to calligraphers, that is!) It is 48 x 48 on un-gessoed canvas. arggg... I remember crying... a lot...
________________Now to tag 4 others. No obligation of course to the "tagged ones" but I do enjoy following your blogs. :)
And I just read Misty Mawn"s journal prompt, which is something I really want to do---and today's prompt is song. Well, this piece above was prompted by the song, Amazing Grace, so maybe I can start today! hopefully I can keep up.
I just can't believe that this is same blog that I had been following since this past fall. What a transformation.... in a good way. I loved the watercolors that you had been doing but this is so different. You are all over the "art board" with your work. Thanks for continuing to update all of us on your blog.
love your art, the girls and your flowers. All very, very beautiful.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I use pencils to shade the very last of the art. The acrylics do the most. Pencils somehow finish the art beautifully. Plus I love the feel the pencils make when going over the art on the wood. Feels like being a child again.
Do use pencils in your art?
Hi Martha! I love your pic #4! A really great big wonderful piece. Your use of colors and imagination is always such perfect eye candy. Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
Lisa :)
I think this canvas is beautiful. Wow you tagged me. I promise to try my best to answer the tag this weekend. I won't have any time before then.
Thanks for the question about pencils. If your working on paper collages, watercolor pencils are great. I don't have any of these yet. I use from ordinary pencils to my favorite Karisma coloured pencils.
Karisma pencils are quite expensive at around £1.00 per pencil.
Martha, I got your message and thank you for your idea of how to bring others to the post about Bobbie. I welcome the being "tagged" as it will give me a nice diversion. Occassionally I have to get away from reality just to keep my sanity. Thank you much for your prayers for Bobbie and family.
Beautiful piece--thanks for sharing. I'm not very familiar with Charles Pearce, but I first thought of Thomas Ingmire when I saw it.
Martha, thanks so much for tagging me.. I did respond and it turned out to be my "admired artwork" file by other artists. This was fun to see as it was awhile ago.
I love the piece you posted it is so amazing and inspiring...Did this get published? Thanks so much for your encouragement and inspiration...
This is phenomenal!!!
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