
Sunday, May 31, 2009

On the Road to Callaway Gardens

Ok, well, some painted photos turn out better then others. For some reason this one doesn't send me ...and I think that the more detail I have the more tendency I have to paint it exact and actually I am trying to alter it as I paint. I really don't know what I am doing but when I find out I will let you know. I will post a few of these I have been working on. Some are better than others but they are all fun to do.

This scene is very dear to me. It is on the same road as the Crossroads Store going to Callaway Gardens and I went by it almost everyday because I used to ride horses out that way when I was younger. I use to ride Hunter Seat, fox hunt and jump over very high jumps. We rode these fabulous Connemara Ponies that would jump over the moon if you let them. They were beautiful horses, not really ponies, some dappled, some mulitcolored---oh, what fun I had back then out in the open field and in the ring, carefree and feeling powerful on top of these beautiful horses. Ok, I am back to earth now...thanks for letting me daydream and reminisce out loud...maybe someday I will see my "Rosie,"again, the wonderful horse that I trained when I was 15.  

Friday, May 29, 2009

More Painted Photos

The top image is the painted photograph and the second is the actual photograph of Macaulay's birthday flowers from Marc. I actually printed this one with a Photoshop pallet knife filter to help further separate the colors then I painted it with acrylic. All of these things are trial and error, just trying different ways to paint it.  It is a 5 x 7. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Painted Photos

I have been playing around with some painted photos. I really enjoy painting the prints of the photos that Marc, our son- in- law, takes of the birds in their back yard feeder. He is a very good photographer and gets some really great shots. I tried it with two different backgrounds.  I used acrylic and add some mat medium first to make the paper less absorbent although I am not sure if that really makes much difference. I think it's a fun thing to do!

Left Over Paint into The Journal

I don't like to waste paint that is left on my pallet so this is left over paint. Sometimes it is nice to just slap it into the journal and see what happens. This is one of those. I added the create and some other writing and a stamp with French lettering---or or maybe it's not French--anyway it is foreign. So this is just a quickie journal entry. 

I have been very busy working on my online marker brush calligraphy class. I have all 6 videos filmed but have had to go back and do some further editing which brought out the gremlins to thwart me. So hopefully today I can reshoot the little snippet that took me about 6 or 7 takes yesterday and I never got it. Anyway, I think the class will be finished really soon and up on Creative Workshops possible the latter part of July. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gallery Show

A few sitting on the pedestal.

My photos aren't really so great but I thought they did a great job placing my paintings together on the wall. There are three other artists also in the gallery and it will hang until the end of June.  I had several other pieces that had calligraphy on it that they didn't put up.  I was a bit disappointed that they didn't puts those up but I am just thankful that I have this opportunity. I had about 10 more pieces so they needed to make room for the other artists. 
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Marc and Audi

Dogs are so amazing. Macaulay and Marc have been very careful that the two dogs, Audi, the German Shephard and Dixie, the Springer Spaniel, have kept their distance although they are the sweetest and most loving of dogs. The German Shepherd is very curious and loves to sniff when allowed but the Springer Spaniel is the very protective one and lies by baby Marc's door if he is crying and bounds over to the crib and stands on her hinds legs to see him.

 We are heading home to Jacksonville today. Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Layer Love Online Class

I love online classes and I try to restrain myself and not take them all!  I think it really is the way to go to learn new techniques and a way to keep learning and creating. My only concern is that I start to depend on others to tell me how to create and at least for me, I try to take the techniques and use it is a style that I feel like is mine. My style?  HMMM...My style might be a combination of many people whom I admire, at least in the mixed media genre. I know that is becoming a problem in blogland with people fudging on other's style and selling on Etsy.  So it is a little bit of a dilemma for me, I love the styles I learn but I am very skittish in its application and use for sales. But, all that being said, I am enjoying the Layer Love class with Julie Pritchard.
I like how she layers her colors and leaves a lighter area then drips the color. It is very organic and fun. I am enjoying it. Unfortunately, the original has much more detail than I could capture in the photo.

Friday, May 22, 2009

More Griddy Art

I like grids---it's in boxes and I am happy with boxes---I love staying in the boxes--I love the order of boxes--it's so boxie!---so you can probably guess, I love to sometimes stay in the box--and then write outside the box.  Yep-I sure do.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Back with my little precious

Just flew in to Charlotte today for a quick weekend while Daddy Marc goes out of town for a wedding. Even in a week and a half he has already gotten bigger. He is three weeks old today!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Knobby Art with a Grungy Attitude

Here is one more 4x4 Knobby Art that has brass tacks (ouch, I hit my thumb and it hurt) and some wire. I love working with wire although I am new to it but it's fun.  The bird image is also
 a potential Knobette. I wrote the calligraphy with gouache(opaque watercolor) and it slid all around and didn't adhere very well because of the mat medium so I had to use my .005 Pigma pen with my magnifying loop and clean it up. I wonder something---I wonder if I add some clear gesso first in the place where I want to write (which would provide a grittier surface) would the lettering with gouache go on better?? hummmm...I would be a happy girl if that worked. Anyway, I took a deep breath and posted the Knobette up on Etsy.

More Songbirds

What a rainy rainy day here in Jacksonville, but my flowers need the rain.  It's a good day just to paint. In fact, I haven't even gotten over to the Red Door Studio today but I have been working in the Closet Door Studio here at home. I really should take a picture of my walk-in closet studio here at home. Actually I get quite alot done when I am here. I don't have much room but I have plenty of room to paint small things and it is well-lit.  I just have to clean as I go or I quickly run out of room.  

These two birds are more painted photographs. I included the photograph that I painted from and you can see that it is altered quite alot.  

Ok so now I need to put on my rubber boots and raincoat and brave the storm to take Bucky out.  I hope he does his business fast---

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is a free photograph of a Songbird that I found on the internet that I altered and painted with acrylic directly onto the print. My goal is to attempt to learn some photography basics and use my own photographs. I have a few that I think might be paintable but I just wanted to try this one to see what would happen.
This was very easy and so fun and.... oh how I love birds. There are so many beautiful birds in South Carolina around our daughter's yard but I haven't been successful in capturing any of them. I am heading back up there to stay with her and little Marc while Daddy Marc goes to a wedding. Maybe I can shoot some pictures and paint them. We'll see.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good Friends at the Art show Opening

Please read my good buddy, Lori's, blog today.  She has said it all and so it's no need to repeat--just look at hers!
See you there

Sunday, May 17, 2009

UF Law School Graduation

We had a wonderful time in Gainesville on Friday for all of the festivities for UF Law Graduation. I know that a lot of you might not be interested to watch this video and I put it up for family and friends to see. Of course my blog family can watch too if you have 4 1/2 minutes. Even though I was excited and was holding the Flip with an excited and shaky hand I thought it turned out pretty good.

We are proud of Zachry. The Champions are the three generations, father, son and grandson. They've all had strong shoulders to stand on and with integrity, honesty and kindness these three generations truly are the champions of our world!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


All naked babies of the world--UNITE!!

13 days old.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Knobby Art--New Etsy Stuff

Well, I have been thinking for quite some time that I needed to put some new things into my ETSY shop before I have to declare a complete need for a bail-out so I created a few new pieces today and took all the old stuff to inactive. It is called "Knobby Art" because the art sits on little knobby feet and is on 5x5 or 4x4 canvas or artist panels. It's fun to create and hopefully people will like it. Here are the Knobbies I created today.
I think the most fun was the "Create" one. I was inspired by the "Griddy Art" article in the Cloth, Paper Scissors magazine. I have so many scraps so maybe the Griddy Art idea will translate onto my Knobby Art.

PS. "Create" sold!  

Paste Paper Bookmark--Lost but now Found

Since I have been home from helping our daughter with the new baby I haven't felt much like creating anything even though the itch is coming back to create some new things. So instead I have been organizing, cleaning out and going through some of the mounds of artwork and discarded artwork all jumbled up together stuffed in drawers. Sometimes I find a little special gem (gem is in the eye of the beholder!) hidden amongst all the mounds and I go--"oh, yeah, I remember doing that!" Well, this is a little paste paper hand-lettered bookmark that I probably didn't think much of when I did it but since I found it and liked it-- I thought I would blog it . Of course the Scripture is one of my favorites and is something that I pray for often (for me!) 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bless You All, my sweet blogger friends

I just want to thank all of you for your sweet sweet comments about my new little grand baby. As I read them all I was just thinking about how much I appreciate all of you and how much you all inspire me with your art and just...sniff sniff...thanks so much. Bless you all.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just the cutest thing ever!!

I just had to show you all this precious little accordion book that my best buddy, Lori, made for my daughter, Macaulay. The pictures don't do it justice but I just can't tell you how precious and special this little book is. How wonderful to have a Lori, aka, Elvie Studio,handmade book!!!  She is a wonderful artist, thoughtful and generous person and a sweet, sweet friend. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

8 days old

I promise I won't inundate you with picture after picture but I thought these were so cute of Marc. He is precious---grandmothers can say that you know.
I am home now after 6 hours of driving--whew! I just had to look at my pictures and post a couple of him. Hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's day today.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last paintings in the Journal in Greenville

Well, this portrait painting is kinda hit and miss but I do like the colors. I have always liked blues and rusts. The like the background one better although I am not sure it is finished.   Little Marc had a very long afternoon nap today and I painted while he slept and Macaulay folded clothes and piddled. She probably should have slept but she had "putzing around energy".
Have you ever had putzing around energy? Just moving around and not wanting to sit.

 I will miss my two babies---my big one, Macaulay, and my little one, Marc. What a wonderful mother's day gift for me and lots to reflect on as Bucky and I drive 6 hours back to Jacksonville.
We have had just a joyful time.

Greenville Journal time

It's so nice to have an ongoing art journal because in the times when there is nothing to do---well, with an art journal there is never nothing to do. I wonder what people do who do do art or have that outlet. I guess they read and do other stuff. I like to read too but I am so funny about the books I read---they better catch me at the first few pages or I am back to the art journal in a flash. But I do SO love reading a good book! Almost as much as painting a successful picture or journal entry. What is successful to me? Something that I really like---now that's successful!
I will be driving home to Jacksonville tomorrow. I hope the departure won't bring too many tears. :(

Friday, May 8, 2009

Greenville Journal time

While we are sitting around and baby sleeps I have some time to paint in the journal. I have set up a little table where I keep my art supplies. It has been a wonderful time up here in Greenville with the new grand baby but I am so glad that I can paint here too. I have to create---it must be part of my existence because if I go too many days then I start getting the art shakes!  I will be going back to Jacksonville on Sunday to leave the new parents on their own. I am sure they will be just fine. All is well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lettering with Music-Online class coming

Here is a little snippet of the marker brush lettering that you will learn in my online class at Creative Workshops which starts this summer.  I use Zig Markers but you can also use Tombow or Le Plume ll but I prefer the Zig Scroll and Brush markers or the Zig Brushables. I have enjoyed filming the class and it will be a good class for people would would like to start out learning calligraphy but with an easy tool.  This class is also great for kids 12 and over and---lefties!

Monday, May 4, 2009


I will be here at my daughter's house for a week or so but while the baby is sleeping I can draw or paint and today I drew these beautiful sunflowers that her sister in law gave her. The flowers are so beautiful here in Greenville, SC, especially in her yard so hopefully I can paint or draw some more. I love being here with my new grand baby.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nana and Marc

Well, I am smitten already, it took all of--- 2 seconds. He was about 2 hours old here. He really is such a sweet baby. Today was so fun just hanging around the hospital, holding Marc, talking with Macaulay and Marc's friends and getting animal crackers from the vending machine---I love animal crackers. It is so amazing how good God is---but why am I ever amazed at Him?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mama, Daddy and little Marc

He is such a sweet little thing! I will send grandma holding him later, that pic in on another camera.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby came today!

Marc Allen White, Jr.
Born at 3:25 PM
8 lbs. 5 oz
I will post a picture soon!