
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is a free photograph of a Songbird that I found on the internet that I altered and painted with acrylic directly onto the print. My goal is to attempt to learn some photography basics and use my own photographs. I have a few that I think might be paintable but I just wanted to try this one to see what would happen.
This was very easy and so fun and.... oh how I love birds. There are so many beautiful birds in South Carolina around our daughter's yard but I haven't been successful in capturing any of them. I am heading back up there to stay with her and little Marc while Daddy Marc goes to a wedding. Maybe I can shoot some pictures and paint them. We'll see.


  1. very pretty! suggestions on where I can find free prints like these? they'd be fun to work into collage pieces too. :-) i love birds too.

  2. Oh this is wonderful. I love the looseness and brush strokes. This style appeals to me so much. Good luck with getting pictures.

  3. I love the painting too, and think it is a wonderful idea to paint over photographs. We have lots of birds here in NC, too, but I can never get close enough to get a good picture. I need to invest in a really good zoom lens, I guess! What lens and camera do you use?

  4. I would love to try this techique also. I believe Misty Mawn uses it. I love what you've done with this print. I agree with Sharon, the brush strokes are very appealing. Have fun with little Marc and enjoy the song birds.

  5. love this!! can i tempt you with lunch and dessert in exchange for some lessons?! :)

  6. Great painting idea! I would love to learn how to do this technique. Good job!

  7. when are you coming to SC? LEt's try and connect while you're here!

  8. Oh I like this! I have never tried that technique myself. I will have to keep an eye on your progress. great work!
