It is a fact that one of my favorite artists is Robert Burridge. In the past I have traveled many miles to take workshops with him. He truly makes painting fun. Because for me sometimes painting isn't fun. With him there are really no real rules, lots of slinging paint and ending up with something that looks fun. Sometimes they are turkeys but at least it was fun. It's just paper--chunk it!
I do appreciate all my oil painting instruction. And I do love to oil paint but sometimes, for me, it's more stressful than fun. That's because there are rules, rules rules that you have to abide by to get a good painting (composition, value, good drawing, brush strokes, warm and cool colors working together--etc) That is if you want to paint in the classic way. Of course you can sling oil paint too. But for now I think I am going to just sling some acrylic and see what happens. No rules---just fun.